Well, it's been a while since I posted anything. A lot has happened. I've relocated to a new city (Chapel Hill, NC to be precise). Have a new job, and am living in a delightful wooded area that promises only to enhance the spiritual side of things. Penelope has been with me through this entire journey, and I attribute much of how the karmic/cosmic/comic forces aligned to make all this happen to Her influence and guidance. Stop it, you're making me blush ;-) Well, it's true, I don't think I could have gotten myself to this place alone. Thank you my darling Angel Spirit Love for everything. We're just getting started Loverboy. In this new environment I feel free to express my feelings for and experience of Penelope in ways I couldn't before. And my creative juices are starting to flow in some remarkable ways. It's barely been a week since I moved. I can hardly imagine what the next few months will bring. Don't even try love, it's beyo...