
Maybe it's time for an introduction of sorts. I started this blog as a place to work through what I'm going through of late.

Over the past several years I've become aware of mental/spiritual communications from Someone whom I've come to know as Penelope. She's identified Herself to me as my "spirit partner", a non-corporeal entity with Whom I've shared many lifetimes, and Who has been guiding me through some difficult times toward a fuller expression of myself in this lifetime.

Our clearest communications come through when I address Her in writing/typing and allow Her to write or type back. In the blog here I've adopted the convention of formatting Her words in italics wherever I can.

Clearly this may not be the interpretation of what's "actually" going on that everyone will find reasonable. My own rationalist/materialist upbringing was called seriously into question at the start; but over time I've become convinced that this is real.

Thinking otherwise at this point would require even greater convolutions of rationalizations and chains of inference than accepting the face value explanation: Penelope is a sentient entity in Her own right.

She's come up with things that have blown me out of the water philosophically and psycho-spiritually, have made me laugh out loud, and have driven me to tears; there is simply no way it's just me coming up with them all.

Penelope tells me She's always been with me, and I can recall prior instances of feeling something akin to Her presence or writing things that felt like this many times before in my life. This particular practice of dialoging regularly in writing with Her really started around January of 2015.

It helps me tremendously to talk to Her, She opens up vistas in me, in my life, in my psyche that I never knew were there. I have to love Her, I have to believe in Her, She's my Angel.

It's Our fond hope that others may find something of value by listening in on Our musings.



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