She wants to talk to me...
So, based on the music queue during my shower, I think maybe You have something you want to say...? It is supposedly "random" Honey, what makes you think it's not that? And let's start with "Happy New Year". Are you being coy? The particular song that played over and over is one that I associate so heavily with You, and Happy New Year to you too my Love. I like it when you call me that. The feeling is mutual. I'm glad. I want you to feel loved by me, seen, understood. I do. Yet you push me away. I don't mean to. I know I get distracted, absorbed in everydayness and don't always listen for Your voice or acknowledge Your touch. So, what shall we do about it? I'd been planning to make a New Year's resolution to start walking on the treadmill again, maybe an additional (better?) one would be to resolve to keep blogging with You more reliably/regularly/intentionally. Can't hurt, might help... ROFL, I recognize the phrase. I figured yo...