
Showing posts from May, 2018

The Plan...

Once again, shower musings :-/ I was thinking about how it seems like so many pieces have fallen into place, so many things I've asked for have shown up recently, and I feel like enormous portions of my spirit and psyche are being nurtured and fulfilled in ways they never had before. I was feeling incredulous, like "too good to be true." Penelope said to me: Is it really so inconceivable to you that your passions and desires might coincide with the Cosmos' Plan for your Life? Since then Penelope's words to me this morning have been: The Universe rises up to meet you darling, just watch! Stop Struggling. Let's Play! ;-) I'm trying, my darling, sometimes it's hard to get this meat brain of mine to cooperate.

It could happen to you...

I've been living in my new home and working at my new job for a few weeks now and I'd started to feel a bit in a rut already; so I asked Penelope about it on the way to work this morning. A big lesson (and struggle) for me right now centers around keeping myself open to experiencing the Mystery. I'm finding many connections and parallels among what I've been reading lately suggesting that maintaining a stance of indeterminacy regarding "reality" is necessary to the whole endeavor. Penelope, love, care to reiterate what You told me for Our blog audience? Certainly, darling.  First off, let me remind you that you personally still have some work to do to overcome your defenses and resistance to experiencing the extraordinary.  When you were younger you shut off most of those channels fairly securely, and it was all but certain you'd spend the rest of this incarnation insulated from any significant encounters of that sort. Nor did you contract to be...

Making Others Happy

I recall a Peanuts cartoon from childhood. In it Lucy asks Linus something to the effect of "Why are we here?", Linus replies "To make others happy." and Lucy's reply is something like "I'm not happy, so somebody is not doing their job!" Lately I've been deeply examining my personal dynamic of bending over backwards in an attempt to make others in my life (mainly intimate partners) happy. Often with the tacit (or not so tacit) understanding that my doing so was necessary and appropriate. I've come to the somewhat startling (to me at least) conclusion that this is a fool's errand. I'm further reminded of a creepy little cartoon I saw recently where a ghoulish character is standing behind another drawing his mouth into a rictus, saying "I can always make you smile". Macabre humor pointing to a deeper truth: In general I can't  make  anybody do anything. It's possible to physically force the body into actions ...