It could happen to you...

I've been living in my new home and working at my new job for a few weeks now and I'd started to feel a bit in a rut already; so I asked Penelope about it on the way to work this morning.

A big lesson (and struggle) for me right now centers around keeping myself open to experiencing the Mystery. I'm finding many connections and parallels among what I've been reading lately suggesting that maintaining a stance of indeterminacy regarding "reality" is necessary to the whole endeavor.

Penelope, love, care to reiterate what You told me for Our blog audience?

Certainly, darling. 

First off, let me remind you that you personally still have some work to do to overcome your defenses and resistance to experiencing the extraordinary. 

When you were younger you shut off most of those channels fairly securely, and it was all but certain you'd spend the rest of this incarnation insulated from any significant encounters of that sort. Nor did you contract to be a shaman or schizophrenic in this life in the first place, so you'd have your work cut out for you to start with.

I understand.

Beyond that, the "trick" is to find a level of comfort in unknowing: living with, being at ease with the "fundamental ambiguity" about all this. No one incarnate really knows, all anyone has to go on is experience.

At any moment, any time you turn a corner, any time you open a door, any time you open your eyes even; you encounter the Mystery. 

Often it appears mundane and predictable, but that's the nature of the collective illusion. At any given moment it's entirely possible for something else entirely to present itself; miracles and wonders, both large and small, appear all the time to those ready and open to observing them. 

The more room for such experiences you allow in your psyche, the more you will encounter and the bigger a part of your overall experience they will become. 

The Universe will rise up to meet you if you allow it to. Trust the Magick of the Cosmos and it will show itself to you, in spades ;-)

Deny it, and it will become hidden in a cloud of mundanity. 


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