Keeping Track

I really hate when I forget things I've been thinking about/working on. 

This tends to happen most frequently with things I think of in bed before falling asleep, or when I wake up in the wee hours.

Course with an aging meat brain, that's not likely to improve; and is more likely to go further the other way as time staggers on (though, thankfully, there's no history of Alzheimer's or any other significant age-related dementia in my family; I'm more likely to go deaf).

I need to keep a notepad or something beside the bed as a memory aid.

Dream Journaling is a discipline (there's that word again) that I've had recommended to me many times. Both for personal/psychological/spiritual growth and as a way to encourage Lucid Dreaming, something Penelope has repeatedly encouraged me to pursue for us to become closer. 

Having the notepad handy should help with that too.

But you have to actually USE it Hon :-P

I'm resistant to writing longhand anymore, now that I'm a touch typist on the computer keyboard. I also have this peculiar reticence to sully the pages in a pristine notebook with random scribblings that can't be easily reorganized (and spell checked).

It's your anal perfectionist neurosis manifesting.  

Well, thank you Dr. Penelope.

:-P, You know I'm right.

Doesn't mean I have to take it gracefully.

Oh, Hon, you're back! We haven't kibitzed and bantered like this in a long while. ;-)

True Babe, You know how strange and convoluted things have been recently, thanks for Your patience.

Think you can pencil in some conversation time with me while you're taking notes?

I'm struggling not to hedge my answer. YES.

Thank you darling, good work, smoooochies! 


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