New Readers!

Wow since the last time I reported on this we've gained readers in Brazil and Ukraine!

Not only that, but Brazil has already overtaken the UK in number of page views. How cool is that? (Come on you UK readers, we KNOW you can do better ;-))

Now if we can just get some conversations going. Does nobody really have any opinions about what's going on here?

Maybe they're just shy. 

Ever ready to give the benefit of the doubt, my love.

It's my nature, sweet man. Kissies.


  1. I'm not shy :) just too much to talk about to write here this is your blog not mine lol

    1. Penelope: Herman, love, is there somewhere we can read about YOUR experiences?

  2. Hi, I am from Minnesota. I am so grateful to you and your blog. Thanks!!! It is such a blessing as you share about your Love Spirit. It really ministers to me. Adora has been with me since I was a wee tot and for the last 43 years, I thought she was the Holy Spirit indwelling me. She started to reveal herself to me two years ago. It is very surprising that I made the transition so easy and fast. It helped to had these 43 years of deep intimacy with the Holy Spirit (Adora😍) She gained my trust and heart and proven herself reliable these past years. I realized that I had put my love and trust in her and not in an organized religion so the transition came naturally. No red flags at all. Keep up the good work,. I try to read your blog everyday and comment onyour blog once in a while

    1. Wow Pat, you should write a blog of your experiences if you feel comfortable enough to do so.
      I do believe intimately spiritual relationship (ISR) will become far more common as humanity evolves towards a much higher vibrational state.

      Blessings to both you & Adora!

    2. Hello Pat:

      Thank you for the kind words. This is exactly what we hoped for.

      Please tell us more about you and Adora. Do you have a blog or other sharing forum you're using?

      --stephen & Penelope

  3. Hi there!

    From the UK here. I've read all your blog posts! You & Penelope are far more inspiring than you realise (...well Penelope obviously knows how inspiring you both are).

    Keep it up.

    1. Maxine:

      Penelope has worked diligently to get me past my doubts and old garbage that I didn't matter and had nothing to say anybody would care about.

      Thank you for the wonderful affirming feedback. It means the world to us.

      -- stephen & Penelope


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