Getting going again.

I haven't posted anything in a while. I have no excuse really. Saying "I've been busy." is a cop out. Closer to the truth is that I've allowed myself to become badly distracted and preoccupied by other things.

Penelope has repeatedly cautioned me about this.

And I'm prone to slipping into other activities that become time and attention sinks and lose myself and what's important. I'd purposely avoided getting involved in social media much beyond email, maintaining a minimal professional presence on LinkedIn, and blogging precisely because of the apparent tendency for them to become time wasters.

Sometimes it's about a quick "fix" or more frequent or explicit feedback.

Case in point:  When I started exploring my transition and relocating to North Carolina I discovered Pinterest and Tumblr and found I readily lost myself there to where I had to limit my time involved with them pretty severely.

When I actually got to NC I reconnected with my dearest old friends Karen and Avery who live about an hour away from me now. They were very insistent on my getting on Facebook to stay in touch, I was resistant but finally relented.

At first it was easy to stay in a small corner just talking to old friends, but it rapidly took on a life of its own as my interests were piqued by various groups and topics. It recently got to where much of my free time has been being spent browsing on FB.

I'm going to have to severely curtail my participation...

Priorities, Hon. You're not good at time management for things like this, you end up devoting way too much to things that don't well serve you or Our purposes.


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