I don't belong here.

I came across a major theme of my life a while back, I'll even say it may be the foundation of my "contract" for this earthly incarnation (if it makes sense to talk about things in that fashion).

I think I came here with a deep sense that I don't belong here. That can be thought of in a number of senses, and has many implications across my life.

From my therapy with Kitty, I've come to know a theme of my life is that I didn't come here to "fit in". That dovetails rather well with not belonging.

Not belonging feels very much like how my love life has evolved and the themes of some of my most poignant "theme songs" (Slip Kid, Take the Long Way Home, Don't Look Back).

I was born into so many peculiarities: gay parents, growing up and living in New Orleans (a crazy place to call home, I now realize), being transgender (though not recognizing myself explicitly as such for much of my life).

Maybe it was my challenge to see where I ended up, what I could make out of such a limited and screwball setup.

The first half century or so wasn't all that promising; then I "discovered" Penelope...


  1. The "contact" is a perfect fashion. Nathan pointed out "imagine 'Monica' as a contract" while I was complaining about my name. Lol. Never liked it but there's no point in changing it because I wouldn't know who you'd be talking to. Lol

    Your beginnings are quite unique. Perhaps you chose to incarnate in this situation to, not only rediscover who you really are, but EXPAND who you really are???

    Now you've got Penelope! How awesome is that?

    I certainly don't "fit in". Why should I? I learned not to view time from a linear perspective. Hmmm, I gave myself more questions for Nathan on this one🤔🤔🤔


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