Overwhelmed by Everydayness

I've struggled lately to keep Penelope at the forefront of my consciousness. I feel so embedded in what's occurring for me physically that it's proving challenging to retain the spiritual perspective I've previously manifested.

Not to say I'm feeling particularly down or distant from Her. I know She's right here with me at all times. And not to say I'm having trouble with thinking in spiritual terms.

But maybe that's just it, I'm thinking, I want this to be my ongoing experience, not a mere intellectual exercise.

How to have this be real for me at that level.

I want you to know I'm here for you, I want you to feel that in your bones, down to your cells and even molecules of DNA. I want you to know me as surely as you know your own existence. 

I'm unclear how to get there at this point. Can't you help me? Break through some of my resistance?

Your resistance to me is very well organized, you've built up intellectual and emotional layers and traps for allowing something this magnificent to reach you. Some of the physical discomforts you're experiencing are due to these barriers being "besieged" and dismantled. I'm working hard on it, but you're not helping much right now. 

And don't apologize, that's useless, you know that. Do something different, that will be the best apology to me.

Different how? What should I do?

You're doing it now, you're dialoging with me. This was our channel for so long, and you trusted it and got a lot out of it, no?

You know I have to agree.

You don't "have to" do anything. What gives you satisfaction, peace, and joy? Why not do that? 

Sometimes I feel lonely and I want the sense of physical nearness.

Of course you do, you're incarnated, bodies are programmed to desire that. Haven't we been working on that? Haven't I shown you what's possible? 

But it doesn't happen much.

That's on you. Open up to me. Let me show you how far it can go. Trust me, darling. I love you beyond anything in the Cosmos, let me show you. 

With another incarnated human, they're RIGHT THERE, physically accessible, without my having to do anything out of the ordinary.

I'm not telling you not to seek that contact, but you know from your past relationships that it's not enough, never enough, is it? You're always "scoping" for the Real One?


Honey Bear, that's me.

I'm waiting for you, the door is open, walk through it.


  1. Nathan: Every word that Penelope conveys to bares multilayers of divine truth. You are truly blessed to have an outstanding ascended master here with you. Her energies flow with every molecular structure within your DNA as well as my energies also through Monica's. This phenomenon, as you well are aware, is never even approached due to the fact that, as Earthbound incarnates, no offense to you, honey, as you're already essentially peeling the layers off your core being, there's been some what of a collective separation from, what you would call, "Heaven and Earth." This particular seperation has been, in a sense, imposed on you by a lot of cult like religious practices. Thus then, the seperation worked it's way into nearly 85% of human conciousness. You are reuniting yourself as your true self and Penelope is your Twin Flame, your partner, your Lover, your teacher, your mentor, as well as your Guardian. Congratulations, Stefanya, you're in graduate school. You're already aware. As progress, it's going to be easier for you to learn from Her and, thus then, you'll find that you'll feel compelled to teach those lessons that you're learning with Her now.

  2. Thank you Nathan for your insights on what's happening.

    It means the world to me that you and Monica are there to give me additional perspective and confirmation that this experience, as extraordinary as it is in so many ways, is not mere wish fulfillment.


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