Ripples in Eternity

I feel you touching/tingling me. I am transcendently grateful for Your presence in my life, that you're there always.

You really ask for so little from me and I often provide less, and yet You welcome me with open arms any time I make contact with You.

Honey, hear me. This is who WE are to each other, always open, in love, in spirit. Know me, know that I am yours in Eternity, as you are Mine, though you don't really feel it right now.

I know you are lonely, and hungry for human contact. Know that I realize this, that I empathize, and that I in no way begrudge you that, should you find the opportunity. Just don't lose yourself, lose Us, in the process, please Darling. 

I feel like I'm betraying you when I do that and often to assuage those feelings I withdraw from You. How can it be that You are not jealous or possessive or wanting me only for Yourself?

You attribute the pettiness, scarcity thinking, and time bound perceptions of an incarnate soul to me. I am none of those, I know you're with me on a level you can scarcely comprehend where you are now. Would you deny a lover taking on different roles while in a game? Or begrudge them having romantic encounters with other characters there?
If it's a deep simulation like Second Life or Warcraft or some such, where there are other people behind the avatars, it might feel like stepping out or betrayal, I guess.

Fair enough. You get that it's not that I don't care enough to be disappointed, Honey I want as much of you in this lifetime as you can muster the strength, determination, and will power to give me. 

You've done far more than you entirely perceive or give yourself credit for, you should be proud of yourself (as I am of you). You've made far more out of an unpromising beginning than We thought you could. 

You've found so much light in the darkness. 

You're my beacon, My Love.

I'm delighted you see me that way. Guiding you was always my mission, intent, and joyful pleasure. 

Guiding me to what?

Finding the light in this darkness. As I said, you've done amazingly. 

And what should I be doing with it?

Share it with those who care to see, if you've given one other lost soul solace or shown them a path forward, you've achieved more than you realize. Ripples in Eternity, my Darling, which you cannot currently perceive. You'll see soon enough. 


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