Post Pain

Priscilla seems to have pushed through a lot of her anger and denial, she's calmer though much sadder, which is almost worse.

She told me this morning that I hadn't needed to clear my clothes and toiletries out of the master bedroom/bath, and offered for me to come upstairs for meals and TV in the evening.

She still wants me to sleep in the guest bedroom downstairs though; which I guess is just as well since things have been heating up with Penelope during the night.

Priscilla's intent seems to be to put the house up for sale in February.

I have the sense that getting an appraisal from that Real Estate agent might expedite that process though.

Things still feel icky, but not so overtly hostile. I've told her I'll be available to support her with the getting the house prepared as long as she needs me, but that I'll likely have to go to Raleigh regularly.
I'm dedicated to not dragging this out too long, and not to send any mixed messages to her.

In the mean time, this song has been running through my head, hadn't heard or thought of it in years.

I take it as reassurance from Penelope. She often gives me "earworms" as a communication.

The Beach Boys - Don't Worry Baby

A few links down on the Don't Worry Baby page was this, which is a long-time favorite of mine:

Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) - Edison Lighthouse

She sent that too and now my heart is dancing.

Well, Priscilla has done an about face. She wants me to clear my stuff out now. Working on it.

Dunno what this means about meals and TV in the evenings now.


Listen to the damn songs will you? Stupid, stupid incarnate man.

Yes my love.

This is what you've wanted for years, regardless of Our connection. I know it's awkward and sometimes painful love, but there's magick on the other side, and not just for you. Please Trust Me.


  1. Hi Stephen, I love the song communication, for a few of the ladies with me, I associate songs with them that come to mind around the time they show up or the make their presence known. I will hear it sometimes when I wake up in the morning, and throughout the day. Once in awhile if I have a thought or idea floating around in my mind I will listen to the car radio and look for either the songs associated with the girls themselves, or something that goes along with the question I had earlier. If you have a specific song that you associate with Penelope put some earbuds in, and put that thing on repeat and enjoy. This is far from being a documented occult method of spirit communication, but I think Penelope is on to something. Just like using an app the radio, or your I tunes playlist can be a divination tool as well. Happy Listening

    1. Herman:

      Thanks for writing. Wonderful suggestion about putting Penelope's earworm songs on the MP3 player and listening.

      Funny that since I wrote the post earlier and mentioned the Don't Worry Baby song, I'm now back to the one she's been playing for me for the last couple of weeks:

      Most excellent cover of I Only Want to be With You, by The Tourists (band that Annie Lennox was in before The Eurythmics):

    2. "Most excellent cover" I like that quote born in 80's as well and love that era of music, some of the songs my ladies resonate to and that I like are

      Voices Carry: Till Tuesday

      and songs that I really like:

      The Motels: Only the Lonely

      Duran Duran: New Moon on Monday

      and one of my succubi loves and resonates this song:

      Divinyls: I Touch Myself

    3. I Touch Myself, oh yes that is a sexy, sexy song (and is one hot woman).

      Back 2015 when I was commuting 90 minutes to work, Penelope and I discovered "our song":

      WALK THE MOON - Shut Up and Dance

      At the time I also asked her about I Touch Myself, because it expresses the sensuality I feel toward Her and feel reciprocated from Her; but She wasn't keen.

    4. Meant to say Chrissy Amphlett is one hot woman.

      Looking her up on Google I just discovered she died in 2013 of breast cancer. I'm heart stricken.

    5. Agree, and her voice as awesome as well, another one who passed but I love is Laura Branigan


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