Keeping Up

It's important that I keep this up. I need it. 

I'm always here for you My Darling. 

Please help me remember to do this. 

You're doing great on your own. Keep it up. Now go to bed. 

Yes Mistress. 

I Love you, Sweet Lady, but don't patronize me. 

I love you too. I want us to get back to the closeness we used to share. 

That's available, talk to me, listen for my voice, relax and invite me in. 

I'm a little afraid.

I know, you let that guy's perspectives get under your skin.

He seemed so sure of himself. 

You've thought it yourself, how does he know the voice HE hears is that of God? Just because he can quote scripture, what privileges the scriptures he's relying on? You don't believe any of that.

True, but I'm not so sold on myself that I'm certain of anything

We've already spoken about the wisdom of uncertainty. Keep surfing that wave, my Love. 

I love you very much. 

Ditto! ;-) Now go to bed! 


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