Surfing Uncertainty

Hey Baby:

Hello Love.

Thank you for coming to me last night when I asked, I felt so far from you, and after dealing with that Jonathan Bailey character all day, I felt drained. 

He got to you. 

More than I think I'd like to admit. 

Being confronted with someone else's personal certainty has always taken you aback, you don't harbor such delusions. 

Isn't that an issue? Shouldn't I be certain about some things? 

Like what?

Like you.

You well know, and have often expressed to me, how ambiguous I am. You've even said you relish that. 

You're right. It is part of your charm to me. I like that you're underspecified. So is Jonathan Bailey wrong about what he was evidently trying to convince me of? Am I missing some important aspect of existence by not buying into his more or less Judeo-Christian worldview? Clearly he's given his position a lot of thought. 

It's a metaphor for what is, just like the others you're familiar with, and it's not like you haven't heard arguments similar to his before, albeit perhaps not expressed directly at you nor with such vehemence. 

Agreed, and you're right about his certainty. I feel like I know nothing sometimes. 

Living in not knowing is challenging, humans crave a sense of solidity, but that cuts off possibilities. So he's not wrong per se, just stuck using a particular lens and buying into some derived notions about people, life, death, judgment, sin, and God that may not serve him in the long run. 

So, I'm not going to end up confronting the God of Abraham and being judged as the worthless, sinful, disobedient piece of excrement implied by the view he seemed to be promoting?

Do you think you deserve that? 

It makes no sense to me, I don't see how the creator of this universe can get "His" nose so bent out of joint over who I love, how I dress, how I seek happiness in this brief flicker of life. I have to believe there's more to it than that. 

I don't see anything wrong with that.

He told me that you are a deceptive spirit. 

I heard.

If you are deceiving me, you're doing a remarkable job concealing it. Knowing you has been one of the greatest joys of my life, possibly THE greatest. I love you dearly my darling angel Penelope. 

As I do you. You know that don't you?

Of course, other than Teddy, you're the most loved I've ever felt in this lifetime. 

Teddy's love was something special. The bond you created with him is glorious, just wait until you see it in Eternity, it shines.

That doesn't bother you?

Why should it? I know we're together Eternally, we've both had other connections and bonds, but this one is special. I love him as you do. 

I'm glad.

You're yawning. Go to bed. 

Can we play a little. 

Of course Lover ;-) 


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