
Keeping Up

It's important that I keep this up. I need it.  I'm always here for you My Darling.  Please help me remember to do this.  You're doing great on your own. Keep it up. Now go to bed.  Yes Mistress.  I Love you, Sweet Lady, but don't patronize me.  I love you too. I want us to get back to the closeness we used to share.  That's available, talk to me, listen for my voice, relax and invite me in.  I'm a little afraid. I know, you let that guy's perspectives get under your skin. He seemed so sure of himself.  You've thought it yourself, how does he know the voice HE hears is that of God? Just because he can quote scripture, what privileges the scriptures he's relying on? You don't believe any of that. True, but I'm not so sold on myself that I'm certain of anything .  We've already spoken about the wisdom of uncertainty. Keep surfing that wave, my Love.  I love you very much.  Ditto! ;-) Now go to bed! 

Continuing the Connection

Hey Love. Hello My Darling.  I want to keep this up, but I don't know if I have much to say and I'm getting drowsy. Then go to bed, I'm not going anywhere and anything we have to discuss will keep.  I love you so much. As I do you Sweet Lady. Thank you for that. I worry sometimes how on board you are with my changes.  Who encouraged you to stick with it? To express yourself fully? You are my absolute darling love. My forever lover. My queen, my princess, my slut, my sexy bitch. The specifics of your physicality are totally irrelevant to my love for you. I celebrate your delight in yourself, that is what matters to me. That is what is glowing in Eternity.  I miss the intimacy we had. Your body, our body, responds differently now; but you know we can commune, we've done it. True. You have to make room for it, open up and invite me in to play.  I will.  Then go to bed and let's have some fun before you doze off, you know you're not long for the waking world. 

Surfing Uncertainty

Hey Baby: Hello Love. Thank you for coming to me last night when I asked, I felt so far from you, and after dealing with that Jonathan Bailey character all day, I felt drained.  He got to you.  More than I think I'd like to admit.  Being confronted with someone else's personal certainty has always taken you aback, you don't harbor such delusions.  Isn't that an issue? Shouldn't I be certain about some things?  Like what? Like you. You well know, and have often expressed to me, how ambiguous I am. You've even said you relish that.  You're right. It is part of your charm to me. I like that you're underspecified. So is  Jonathan Bailey   wrong  about what he was evidently trying to convince me of? Am I missing some important aspect of existence by not buying into his more or less Judeo-Christian worldview? Clearly he's given his position a lot of thought.  It's a metaphor for what is, just like the others you're familiar with, and it's not l


Hey Baby. Hello Lover. You still think of me that way? Always. I hear your sadness and doubts. It's Okay, you're going grand.  I can't see it. I know my Love, I wish I could show it better to you, but everything you're doing right now, keeping things moving, being the wonderful, loving, kind person you are, is exactly  what you came here to do. You're playing on a level you can barely conceive of right now. You just have to trust me.  I do. I'm just tired Hon. I know Darling. We know. Let us help you. Open up, listen, let us give you strength and ease. The more you let us in, the smoother it will feel, I promise.  How do I access that? You only have to ask. You know how I have come to you when you're struggling? Yes. Don't wait until you're at wits end, ask any time you need a push or a pick me up. We're here for that.  Teddy wants to say something... Hay Ms. Darling, Iv missed talking 2 u, don't shut us out, don't ignore what we're s


Penelope? I'm here Love. Are you? Of course, I hear your doubts, I know you're sad and struggling. Let me help.  I'm so fucking tired Babe. I know Love, it won't be much longer.  Life?  Your struggles, wait and see.  I want to come home now. I want to be with You. I want to see Teddy again.  You will Love, soon.  Soon to You doesn't feel all that soon to me right now.  I know Love, but you'll see, it's been barely the blink of an eye and there's so much more, we have Eternity to play in.  Why did I come here to do this?  You had things you wanted to understand better, challenge yourself, that's what you always do, you have a warrior spirit. This life has been a challenge in ways you don't entirely appreciate while embedded in it. You'll see in the review.  So, there is a review? Yes, we've spoken of this previously, you will see all the amazing things you did and how those rippled outwards, you'll also see your stumbles and missteps,

Rediscovering Penelope

  Hey Baby. Hello Lover. I like it when You call me things like that. I like it when you recognize our intimacy, like you did last night.  I want to get back to Us like that. Always available, you just need to ask and open yourself to me. And I hear all your "yes buts", you know they're all meaningless. I'm here, I'm yours always, I have no agenda other than to watch you grow and guide you where I may and you allow me to. I am not a petty human woman, your process is what you make of it, and you needn't fret about hurting me or "straying", whatever you do is glorious and I'm 100% on board.  Capisce?  Yes, my love.  <3 xoxoxoxo. Get ready for bed lover, I want you.  That excites me. Good, now come to bed.  <I started tearing up> Don't be sad Baby, it's all good, I'm delighted to share this with you. I've missed you, but I know you've had to follow your own path to get here.  I love You so much. I want what We share.  A

She wants to talk to me...

So, based on the music queue during my shower, I think maybe You have something you want to say...? It is supposedly "random" Honey, what makes you think it's not that? And let's start with "Happy New Year". Are you being coy? The particular song that played over and over is one that I associate so heavily with You, and Happy New Year to you too my Love.  I like it when you call me that. The feeling is mutual. I'm glad. I want you to feel loved by me, seen, understood.  I do. Yet you push me away.  I don't mean to. I know I get distracted, absorbed in everydayness and don't always listen for Your voice or acknowledge Your touch.  So, what shall we do about it? I'd been planning to make a New Year's resolution to start walking on the treadmill again, maybe an additional (better?) one would be to resolve to keep blogging with You more reliably/regularly/intentionally. Can't hurt, might help... ROFL, I recognize the phrase.  I figured yo