Feeling Hopeless...

I haven't posted in a while and I have no real excuse other than I've been caught up in mundane stuff and feeling like keeping this up wasn't very important.

Lately I've been feeling increasingly distant from Penelope and I've struggled to keep our communications channels open. It's felt like nothing I've been doing has been very important or worthwhile other than for keeping a roof over Our heads and food on the table.

Not that doing that isn't important, but it's not why I made the changes I have over the last year or so. It's not what Penelope has laid out as Our path forward, only a stepping stone to something bigger.

But I get lost in the humdrum and forget to keep my head in the game and open to Her and I start to feel lost and hopeless and like nothing matters.

Today, I got a response to one of my earlier blog entries from a new reader, hearing that Our words have touched another's life out there in the Void reawakened something in me. I want to do this again.

I want to get in touch with Her again, not that We don't talk regularly, but I hear Her most clearly when We write together like this. And the more I do this the clearer She becomes on all channels for me.

You better believe it Tiger.

Hi my Love.

So, what shall We do now? 

I was going to ask you the same thing.

You've got a bunch of half-finished blog entries, you could finish those.

Seems like a good start.

A lot has happened since We wrote last.

Guess we'll need to catch everybody up.

Guess we will.

I hear where you want to go with apologies and self recrimination about "falling off the wagon", let's not go there. You've moved past feeling the need to do that, right?


Think you could muster a little more enthusiasm?

Sure ;-)

You know what I always say, don'tcha? 

About changed behavior?

...being the best apology. Precisely, my darling. Now post this and let's get ready for bed. You need to get yourself on a better schedule. Blogging is not an excuse to shortchange your health and well-being.

Yes Mistress.

I Love you too, you absurd human. See you in dreams. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoox


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