If you meet the Buddha...

It's said: If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.

At one level this paradox/koan is meant to point out that any Buddha you come across outside yourself is not the real Buddha.

Then I got to thinking about the implications of "the road", that might be taken less literally and refer to one's personal spiritual path; so the admonition can also be taken as a caution against too readily ascribing Buddha qualities to oneself.

Many a guru and televangelist should heed that advice.

I don't think I'm personally in too much danger of falling into that particular trap. I have the opposite problem: I'm too ready to put myself down, feel less than, assume I'm not as good as everybody else.

In a way it's a reverse sort of egotism, I'm better than everybody else at being worse than everybody else. Kind of perverse, isn't it? :-/

Anyway, much of my own process recently has been one of overcoming that reticence to recognize my worth. That I may genuinely have something to offer in terms of insight, perspective, spiritual guidance even.

I've generally received positive feedback regarding what I've offered on the blog. And in my personal life, many folks have told me that I've helped them.

But my first impulse is to assume what I have to say is worthless or obvious, that nobody is really interested.

I feel (overly) wary and cautious about allowing myself to think otherwise, lest I get "a swelled head", "too big for my britches", "above myself".

I'm not entirely sure where those limiting self assessments originated, I don't recall receiving any explicit parental or early societal messages of that sort to account for them.

Regardless, my inner Critic is armed to the teeth with them :-/

And what have We determined about the critic...?

He's a liar.

Indeed; though perhaps better described as misinformed and disinclined to revise his messages and practices in light of new information and your current situation and best interests. And recall his mission...?

To keep me safe according to his definition of "safe".

Quite right, my Love. Now, how much attention does he warrant?

Minimal at best.

Good. Right. His mission is essentially beneficent, but he's ill-suited to the task at this time; so no need to condemn him, but no need to pay him any particular heed either. Capice?

Yes. Thank you Angel!

Any time Tiger. Kisses! ;-)


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