Getting back to THE WORK...

Penelope has been after me to write more. I've been so caught up in the "coming out" process, and (not so incidentally) having so much fun with it, that I've let other parts of my journey/mission get sidetracked. 

Reaching this place in my life is not any sort of license to slack off on the more spiritual side of what I've been working on.

In fact, it's arguable that the whole transition process is a crucial piece of the larger spiritual journey.

In classical/medieval alchemy, the figure of the hermaphrodite was an important symbol representing the merging or unification of opposites (akin to the Tao being the One behind the opposing/complementary entities/forces of Yin and Yang in Eastern mysticism).

It's a symbolic representation which (for perhaps obvious reasons) I have found compelling over the years; and I flatter myself to think I may actually be expressing now in some fashion: the merging of male and female, sun and moon, light and darkness, Apollo and ArtemisHermes and Aphrodite (origin of the term Herm-Aphrodite actually).

Or maybe that's all just a lot of overthought claptrap and I'm just an aging tranny who finally worked up enough balls/ovaries to come out to herself, admit what she really wanted to do, and then come out to the rest of the world.

Either way, back to work...


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