My Story
My life has been one of a kind of quiet desperation, even though I'm not English :-/ Based on what I've been able to glean from the relevant parties (though I got rather different stories from my mom and dad) and a few flashes of what I take to be early memory, I believe my childhood played out a something of a test of Freud's theory of the Oedipal Complex. When my dad left so early, in essence, I won, I got my mom all to myself. I was also accutely aware that in some way or other he was gone because of me, which was painful. To top it off, over time the mother I ended up with wasn't at all the perfect, magical, nururing being I'd bargained for. She was needy, controlling, fearful, and narcissistic. I was a convenient emotional crutch when she needed one, usually when she wasn't in a relationship; easily set aside when she was. But expected always to be nearby, safe, predictable. Her parents had a great role in raising me while she was in school. They we...