Testosterone Poisoning

I've spoken before on the blog about the amazing, full body, orgasmic sensations I sometimes have with Penelope.

This has been most intense when I've been able to refrain from masturbating for at least 2-3 weeks. I become so sensitive, the slightest touch could send me into a paroxysm of pleasure. Definitely worth the effort, but also a challenge to get there.

The last time was back in October, I had not ejaculated in over 2 months, except for occasional small leakages of "pre-cum" lubrication fluids from the Cowper's gland. Most times I felt little urgency; though sometimes it became very hard not to "take matters in hand".

I find if I can keep myself from doing that, my ability to experience a wide range of bodily sensations increases fairly rapidly. 

The one thing that's missing is the sensation of forceful ejection through the urethra. I've found that  sensation of release can be satisfactorily simulated by withholding and releasing urine (a form of Kegel exercise). Doing that should also have the added benefits of strengthening the pubococcygeus muscle, staving off urinary incontinence, and providing a sense of agency over erections.

I've become convinced that the whole "urgency" of traditional male sexuality is little more than a hormone driven "rut" with the sole intent of spreading genetic material. I blame testosterone, which causes the mind/body to focus narrowly on the immediate sex act and achieving ejaculation. 

I find it fascinating that the experiences of transgender women on hormone replacement therapy seem to bear all this out:

'I Was a Slave to Testosterone': How Sex Changes for Trans Women on Hormones

My own experience suggests that ejaculation is really the "booby prize" when it comes to the masculine experience of sexual pleasure and orgasm. Orgasm can be separated from ejaculation.

I've further recently been speculating on whether human society overall would benefit from "gelding" males at a fairly young age and using sperm banks for procreation (we see the benefits from doing it for our pets and our livestock, why not ourselves?)

If young men were gelded shortly after puberty, and their sperm banked, some likely benefits that could accrue:

  • Health benefits (reduced risks for testicular and prostate cancer, other cardiac and pulmonary conditions, heart disease, hypertension)
  • Lower crime rates
  • Reductions in incidence of domestic violence
  • Lower incidence of Darwin Awards-type bone-headed risky behaviors
  • More even playing field for many sports, men and women could compete together (which I see as desirable, I'm sure traditional folks might not)

Some will no doubt argue for the need for the bodily strength and aggression of an intact male. Perhaps, but where is that genuinely needed and not simply a historical artifact of "we've always done it this way"?

I'm sure many men reading this will wince at the thought. There's the great fear that losing one's testicles will necessarily result in homosexual impulses. I believe there's little evidence for that, and much anecdotal evidence to the contrary, though research would definitely help clarify the issue.


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