My sweet angel?
Are you trying to
butter me up? ;-)
I've been a bad boy.
Are you expecting me
to scold you? I know part of you would like that. That's a game we can play
later, but this is serious.
I know you're feeling needy
and horny, and you're seeking some kind of physical connection to satisfy your
old materialist habits/ways of being/mindset.
I want to give you
more, but you drop the ball before we can get there; can you give me a little
patience and time to get Our body ready?
I think I'm afraid, babe.
Good, glad you see
that. I've approached you several times in your dreams recently and you’ve run from me.
I don't mean to, I'm not clear what causes me to wake up at
those critical times. I don't feel consciously fearful.
Talk to Kitty, get her
help with working out your inner resistance to hearing what I have to tell you,
seeing what I have to show you, sticking with the program.
I will. What about that audio erotic hypnosis session I tried?
Mildly amusing, but another
distraction. Honey, you don't need anything like that to expand Our connection,
We have all the tools We need right inside Us. If you're clear that you want to
expand your consciousness into something greater, that's available, I'm here to
help, relax and open up to me.
How long will it take?
As long as it takes.
Very much dependent on you, but probably not as long as you fear. We've laid so
much groundwork, and you've been through much of this before.
Relax and try to enjoy
the ride, We're having some lovely interludes in the early light, no?
Yes, but I get horny during the day.
I'm always up for a quickie throb job if you want ;-)
I feel ashamed that I want more
from You sometimes.
There it is. Honey, there's nothing to be ashamed of, of course your
little ego wants that, it's still trapped in materialist thinking, wanting the
sensations to come through the old channels.
You have to allow the new channels to flourish before new sensations
will come fully to the fore. It's an unlearning process, it will take some
time, but we'll get there. Keep working on that visualization exercise I gave you, try
adding a tactile one while you're at it, something simple like feeling me
stroke the back of your hand.
This is also good exercise for taming that wild "monkey mind"
of yours. You've got the focus and attention span of a hungry squirrel
sometimes, my darling.
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