Dominoes Falling

I've always been fascinated by displays of elaborate series of dominoes set up in rows so that when one is tipped it tips the next and the next and the next...

Some examples from YouTube:

Thinking about this, for being a generally western endeavor, there's a very Buddhist/Zen mindset to this, a great deal of precision and effort put in for a rather brief display of virtuosity. Something like the elaborate and precise sand mandalas the Tibetan monks create only to brush them away in a moment at the end.

YouTube again:

Penelope has likened events in my life recently to Dominoes falling, We did a great deal of groundwork over many months (much of which She clearly did behind the scenes, though She's loath to take much credit for some reason).

It's because it's really about you and your intention Hon, what you're focusing on and drawing to you. My role has mostly been to keep you from becoming distracted and disheartened, you've really done the work, I wish you could see that.

I'm working on that. In any case, we set up the metaphorical dominoes and got to where we could tip the first one and now they're falling one by one and my life seems to have become largely a series of one glorious exciting new development after another.

Not to say there isn't still work involved. If nothing else, I have to show up wearing my big girl panties ;-)

Case in point: I came out last week at my day job. That was an amazingly easier process than I could ever have hoped/dreamed. My direct manager was surprised, but was completely on board and supportive when I told him, he asked me for little time to get his ducks in a row and I told him I wasn't in any big hurry.

Now, this company has a very emphatic corporate policy and culture of "diversity and inclusion" and they clearly mean it not to be mere lip service.

Within a week I was contacted by HR and developed a plan with them and my manager to come out at work in a fashion and at a time of my choosing! I was also put in touch with another transwoman, who had come out at the company a couple of years prior, who was willing to talk to me about her experiences with the process.

So, I ended up composing an email a that I had vetted by HR and my manager to send to my coworkers at the local office. My intention was to send the email out on a Friday and come into work in my new femme persona the following Monday.

I'd originally planned to send the email out at the end of the day so it would hit folks' inboxes after I'd left for the day.

My manager helped me clarify my intention regarding how to let my coworkers know what was going on, and ultimately I decided to send it out while I was in the office so folks had chance to absorb it and approach me.

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed like the open and grown up thing to do.

So, I sent the email out last Friday around 10:30 am; I'd actually meant to send it later, but hit Send when I was inserting the distribution list into the To: field, accidentally(?).

The reaction of my colleagues was and remains supportive and accepting without making any issue out of it, which is amazing.

Today is my third day at work dressed femme, I'm so delighted.

Charon is still on His way as much as He ever was; but I no longer feel so much as if I'm just marking time until He arrives.

And even if He shows up tomorrow, it's been worth it! I'm having the time of my life.


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