Say hello to Stefanya...

So, here I am. Say hello to Stefanya!

Hello Stefanya, my Darling! ;-)

Hello Penelope, my Love. I'm so glad you're on this amazing journey with me.

Nowhere else I'd rather be, Hon. Believe that, let it in. I'm here. I am always here, I'm with you. As you are, as you're becoming: Stef I desire you as a woman. Hear me Hon, you are my Eternal Love, always and forever. Know it to the depths of your heart, soul, being. I'll keep writing this until you GET IT, get it? ;-P 

Yes ma'am.

And don't you start with the patronizing (or is it matronizing now?) you evil witch. 

Thank you for calling me that.

I know you aspire to a sort of witchy-crone/earth mother/gypsy-goth chick mashup vibe for your feminine energy.

I do; I'm not sure whether I can pull that off though.

I think you can, I'm sure you can. We'll work on it together. You've definitely got the eye for the style, just a matter of acquiring the right accessories then dressing and acting the part Hon. As our dear friend Kitty is wont to say: "You've got this."


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