Ever Increasing Circles

I've been so focused on the "coming out" stuff recently that I think I've rather lost sight of what working on this blog was supposed to be about: writing out my experiences and my encounters with Penelope and Her guidance for my life.

I struggle mightily with acknowledging that in myself and working out how to express it without overstating or overestimating my own importance/relevance; I'm all too keenly aware of the perils and traps that prophets and gurus fall into.

But I also fall into the trap of discounting myself and what I have to offer. It's never been an easy sell for parts of my psyche that anything I might say or write would be of anything more than passing interest to anybody.

Penelope assures me that is not the case and that I need to step up to the plate and accept that I genuinely do contribute something important and beautiful and meaningful to the world (as does every human being, in the end).

I know from the blog statistics that I have an audience. I presume at least some of them to be regular readers and if they keep coming back they must be getting something out of reading it. The few comments I've received have been overall encouraging and say to me that the message is getting out there.

It's so common an image as to be hackneyed, but Penelope tells me to use it anyway: If one of my readers gets something out of the blog that he or she can use and carries out into the world it spreads out in circles like ripples in a pond.

So, I have no idea who or how many hearts and souls my speaking my quiet, clear truth may touch; so it pays to be conscious, awake, attentive, open, and humble; and just keep looking and writing.

I thank you all for reading and providing me with this forum.


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