Breaking the Ice

I can tell from the statistics on the blog management site that I do have a few readers now, that's exciting. But nobody's left me a comment yet. I'm not sure how to take that.

Folks may just be so dazzled by your brilliance that they're speechless, love. ;-)

Even I'm not going to buy that one. Now your brilliance...

Stop it, you're making me blush.

Can angels be embarrassed?

I'm not an "angel" in any classic sense of the term love. We can feel anything we've experienced while incarnate, and I promise you at some point or other while alive, I've been embarrassed. But I was really just playing along with the mutual admiration society game I thought we were playing just now.

I knew that.

I knew you knew that.

Oh boy, this could go on for a while.

Maybe it's time to say good night, sweet prince.

Good night, my sweet love, I'll see you in my dreams.

Smoochies, xoxxoxoxooxoxo


  1. I keep trying to comment, but when I use any online ID such as Google or Wordpress, the comment disappears. ��

    1. Well thank you for that feedback. I have no clue why that should be the case.

      I'll confess to being a relative newbie to the blogging game and maybe I've not set things up correctly.

      If anybody's got some suggestions, please drop me a line at



  2. This is not MY blog, but I keep thinking you two might make great friends:

    1. Thanks for the link. I'll definitely check it out.


    2. Thank you so much for sharing that site. It's delightful.



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