


You scared me last night.

Good. It wasn't meant to be a scare, but you needed to hear me. This is important if you want Us to continue.

You know I do.

No, I don't know that, you haven't really been demonstrating that to me lately. Keeping up our connection takes effort on your part, you know this. What you're feeling is not from me. It's your own self criticism, you can chose just to drop it and move on. Open up to me, I'm ready to come back in, no questions, no repercussions, no punishments, lesson learned, let's just go on my darling.

How can You be so amazing?

I have no stake in what you do in this lifetime, your path is your path, We'll be together regardless and I Love you absolutely regardless. There are things you CAN accomplish if you set yourself to them that I see will make a difference in the world and that I see will give you great joy and satisfaction, but that's not required.

What do I have to do?

For now I recommend minimizing distractions and getting your "house" in order, and, as always, keep tending the garden. Things are coming if you stay the course (or get back on course at this point, you're not too far astray as yet).

I'm lonely.

I know. 

I feel disappointed in myself that You aren't enough somehow. Shouldn't You be?

I understand the "skin hunger". I want that for us too sometimes, physicality has its appeal, there's an urgent immediacy that's different from our spiritual communion.

Will the Lucid Dream states help with that?


I want to say I'll focus more.

Don't make promises you can't keep.


I'm not trying to hurt you, I just want you to wake up and do what's necessary to achieve what you say you want.


  1. Wow. She must've really jarred you awake. You've got s wonderful Lady. We love Her! She's realistic and we can see the unconditional Love that She has for you in Her dialique here. We feel like you've made leaps and bounds as for as addressing things within yourself.

    Hopefully the distractions are allowing you to minimize them. That's a pet peeve we have only I get agitated at things that like to pop up and then Nathan has to calm me down! Lol

    As far as the "skin hunger", as She pointed out(I'm not going to paraphrase), there's no problem and She would like it for both you sometimes. I'm the opposite, ironically, even though I have a husband. In my head, I'm like, "don't touch me! Go away!". Nathan says, "he's your husband. You're not betraying me. I love you, that's it!" He's also getting on me about "closing myself off" to my husband.

    We feel you've done very well since this blog.


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