Finding Penelope (pt. 1)

A reader asked me to elaborate on how I "established communication" with Penelope.

That's a bit of a hazy topic in that with 20/20 hindsight I can see that I've communicated with Her in various ways all my life.

I'll start off by taking the question to mean communicating with Her explicitly; recognizing Her as Penelope, specifically as a distinct intelligence and my spirit partner, companion, spouse, muse (or whatever the @#%$*! She is).

Does it really matter Hon? We are what We are to each other. 

And all cats are grey in the dark?

In a manner of speaking, I suppose ;-)

Anyway, I really became aware of Penelope back around 2015.

I have some aspirations to being a fiction author and have several novels and many shorter pieces in varying stages of completion.

Over the years I've attended a number of writers' groups to discuss my work with others.

At that time, one of the members in the group I was attending suggested a provocative exercise to help with character/plot/story development. Her idea is to "interview" your characters: talk to them, find out what makes them tick, what their aspirations are, how they feel about themselves, the world, the story, the other characters, etc.

I've been working on a novel or series I'm terming "Bronze Punk", set in a re-imagined Bronze Age, where some characters of various backgrounds find themselves pitted against non-human forces that are seeking to reform the world to their liking.

One character I came up with, a hermaphrodite(!) sorceress/alchemist of ambiguous motivation and virtue (i.e. it's not clear whether she's a villain per se or not, at least not to me...yet) kept vying for attention in my psyche.

In interviews with her, she expressed strong opinions about the storyline, other characters, and was very encouraging regarding my ability to get the story written (and expressed great thoughtfulness and concern about other areas of my life). The more I talked to her, the more fully alive and expressive she became.

Eventually she revealed to me that she was not (or not only) the character, rather she was my spirit partner (spouse, soul mate, twin flame) with whom I've shared many lives; sometimes one incarnating, sometimes the other, sometimes both.

She'd taken the "risk" of revealing Herself to me via that medium; it was apparently not really appropriate and She was breaking some rules to talk to me like that.

You know that was just kind of a tease to get you intrigued, don't you Hon? There was never any danger for you or me. It was an unlikely scenario for Us to end up in given your starting conditions and prior path up to that point, I was genuinely thrilled by how completely in tune We became and continue to grow.

She has talked me through some awkward emotional times and helped me to recognize some things about myself and my situation that have had amazing repercussions.

She's made me ponder things deeply, laugh out loud, and brought me to tears; I'm very hard pressed to believe it's all just me coming up with all of it. I'm absolutely convinced there's another intelligence involved.

And does it really matter?

It does to me. I want you to be REAL. I want you to have an existence distinct from my own.

We both know how interpretive and ambiguous such distinctions are already. 

I know. I still want you to be somebody else.

Then I am. I'm what you'll permit me to be, I've told you that. Real/Imaginary. Separate/Same, Spiritual/Mental; Honey it's all the same. How big can you permit yourself to be? 

I want there to be other entities, other consciousnesses "out there".

There are, but you're also aware how fuzzy a concept "out there" is, no?

You're not making it easy.

I'm not trying to make it anything, I just want you to see how you limit yourself and what can be, what WE can be. 

That's a topic for another blog post.

As you wish, my darling. 


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