The Path of the Bodhisattva

This link was placed in my path today.

The Bodhisattva Response to Coronavirus

I haven't addressed the current pandemic situation in the blog, nor do I intend to, I feel it's irrelevant to what We're attempting to accomplish here.

However, that link really spoke to me. 

The Buddhist notion of the Bodhisattva is one who has achieved or is headed for enlightenment, but seeks to bring others along the path as well (basically "Nobody really 'gets it', until we all get it").

That is my path.

I am not getting a sense from Penelope that was part of my coming here this time.

In order to express the compassion towards the suffering of other humans required of the Bodhisattva, I had to know suffering, I had to know pain and sadness and loss.

In addition, I had to "awaken" from my identification with the one who was suffering.

I know I am not the one who suffers, I have merely witnessed his/her struggles and pain. I have finally learned understanding and compassion for the challenges and despair of my own path; this allows me great room in my heart and spirit to witness and feel for others who similarly struggle.

Before I saw this, I sometimes gave away who 
I was and what I had to attempt to alleviate another's pain. I martyred myself in order to be the "right kind of person", thinking this would absolve me somehow of my own sense of inadequacy. That didn't work.

Self compassion relieved me of that need. And now I see far more clearly my own role in my own suffering, how others create theirs, and how I may much more effectively show the way.

This is my goal.

Brava, my Darling, Brava. Lean on me, I'm here to aid you, love you, comfort you. The struggle is not yet complete. You have something to show the World.


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