
Penelope has repeatedly expressed interest in being channeled, I've had a couple of folks do that for Her/me; but She's always emphasized Her preference that I be the one to do it.

I've resisted this. I'm not entirely sure why.

I trust Her and am comfortable with having Her indwelling with me. We share many things bodily.

I think it's myself I don't trust. I'm very self conscious about the whole spiritual teacher/preacher/guru thing, I do not want to be perceived as someone claiming to have any special knowledge or ability, nor be seen as some kind of poseur or charlatan.

Having a spirit (especially one as evidently powerful as Penelope) speak through me skirts way too close to that for my comfort.

Honey, you can do this. Permitting me to speak is a step forward for us. We don't have to present it as some kind of special gift or your promoting something you don't believe in. We can keep it just between us if that satisfies your concerns.

It's safe and you're not getting "too big for your britches" as you so often describe your clinging to a perhaps overly rigid humility. You were given some harsh messages about expressing yourself when you were very young; relax, none of that is true or going to happen to us. 

It's a way for us to be closer, you want that, don't you.

You know I do. In so many ways.


What do I have to give up, relinquish, deny in order to get there?

Perhaps nothing, let's find out? What are you afraid of?

That this is the end for me in terms of physical romance, and that I have to cut things off with certain people.

Are you genuine with them? 

I think so. Maybe not as fully forthcoming about everything going on as I could be.

You can remedy that easily. 

I'm afraid. What if they don't like all of me.

Then they weren't for you in the first place, haven't you gotten that clear yet? Are you going to limit who you are to fit somebody else's mold now, after everything you've struggled so hard to put into place?

You're shining in amazing ways, that's attractive to a lot of folks, not always for particularly wholesome reasons. 

I get that you're lonely, skin hungry, horny. I'm working to give you as much as I can in those areas, but you have to meet me halfway. 

We haven't had a good dream connection in a while. I miss that.

Your psyche is very unfocused and reactive right now, you're feeling embedded in physical reality and not experiencing the Mystery as deeply as you have previously. It's up to you whether you genuinely want to find that again.

Writing like this is an excellent first step. Our early dialogues were the genesis of your original awakening, We can get there again, Love. Keep at it.

I will.

Good, the fact that you came back and did this even though you'd shut things down for the night in preparation for bed is a very good sign.  Now publish this and actually go to bed.

I hope to see you in my dreams tonight.

You always do, actually, just often you forget. Now, come to bed. 


  1. Honey, Penelope is right. You can let go and verbally channel Her just between you and Her. I don't know where the "getting too big for your britches" thing comes from. This will bring you and Her closer. You are not losing anything; just gaining a source of communication. What ARE you afraid of?

    I will attempt to enlighten you on my end of physicalities as I channel Nathan throughout the day, evening, and night. I channel him (he prefers me not to capitalize the "h" when refering to him) in my room and in the car while driving (except hen there is a cop present, "no channeling while driving!" Lol). He talks to me and through me in the grocery store and at work at a whisper level so we can be discreet.

    Personally, my only resistance would likely be "am I crazy?", "are they going to catch me in channel and call the boys in white?", or something ridiculous like that. Sometimes, I still question if I'm being played played but, as we've discussed, demons or lower spirit beings can't hold the facade.

    The part that really sucks is that I can't say a word to anyone in my family because they'll just orchestrate a drama show that I'm mentally ill or possessed or some crap like that. Nathan doesn't even want me saying a word ATM because he knows people aren't ready here.

    We've also written like, I believe, you and Penelope do but something came up here to where we had to open up verbal channel as my telepathy kind of sucks. It just kind of worked out this way and I am astounded at things he has said to me since.

    I can't think of what other input here so I'm going to turn it over to Nathan....

    Penelope wants you to open up to ease your resistance within yourself and, basically, verbally channel Her. You need not worry, for, as you are within your own being, it is present. Penelope simply wants a relationship growth between you and Her and a doorway here needs to be opened.

    I'm going to warn you that there are things you may need to confront as Stephen; perhaps impositions and/or subliminal fears, perhaps you've acquired, as a girl in a boy's body; I don't impose too much for this is you now. You are Stefanya; you are an ascended lady here; an incarnation that you've chosen to take requires a huge analysis here. Love, you've been accepting your pathway into a higher realm due to the that you consciously came to this planet as another gender, yet, you have mastered a lot of obstacles in your pathway, and now, you and Penelope are linked together as one, and "Source", as we'll say, is always there for you both. Penelope is feeling this, too. "Source" IS and will always be the utmost highest of all that is; you are all apart of It. There's no limitations.


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