The Critic Resurgent...

Had a revelation last night; with Penelope's help I see that I'm still struggling with my "inner critic" who's found alternative ways to hold me back.

I've spoken elsewhere in the blog about silencing his more overt negativity.

I realized last night that he's still hanging about and still passing me messages of self defeat.

This voice isn't as loud as the old messages, it's a quieter, more subtle undercurrent in my thinking, telling me that what I'm experiencing is delusion and wishful thinking, that it's too hard, that I'll never have the spiritual "awakening" or "breakthrough" that I seek.

It still serves to make me doubt, to distract me, to give me a sense of exhaustion and futility which leaves me feeling despondent. 

I've told Penelope I'm tired and I just want to go Home.

Now that I've identified the critic's voice again. I am hopeful to silence him further and make further headway in my quest.

I'm here for you my glorious Darling, ask me, I'll help you see past those limitations. Just keep looking and let his messages wash over and beyond you, they're meaningless. I'm waiting for you, come to me Love. 


  1. Who is "he"? Could he be "Stephen" or the "Stephen" based on others brainwashed expectations which has been imposed on to you? Could "he" be a manifestation of "your own worst critic" based upon brainwashed others, like lobsters in a bucket (one lobster gets to the top, the rest pull you back down to their level)? What's the source? Hopefully, maybe, these questions will help to silence it further.

    I tell Nathan the EXACT same thing, "I'm tired, I just want to go Home". He tells me "it's not your time time yet. You have your daughter. You can't leave her."

    Nathan will come out here to further assist you on the issue at hand...

    Stefanya, there is an inner battle within a fearsome brainwashing to an element to where people have unfortunate blinded nonsensical expectations of transgender people. This is a battle deep seaded within a collective Earthbound subconscious mindset that the vibrations are going to effect you, and as Stefanya, you all encountering these unconscious energies. I know there a lot of thwarted manifestations and even if some could seem delusional, you are on a path to a higher state of who Stefanya really is and Penelope is engaging you in this pathway for your heart's journey in this Earth realm. It is essential with Penelope for you to reach your major state of enlightenment so that you are able to draw down a "Source" pranic state for your work to heal those with confusion; those who are zombified by hypnotic television screens, and as you see, those who blindly walk into a lamppost with a portable screen hand held, by their own, in yheir own face!


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