My Soul Purpose

Penelope emphasizes to me repeatedly that I'm here to serve as a guide and teacher. I struggle mightily with taking on those mantles; I do not feel like I have anything special or worthwhile to offer.

How about we let our readers be the judge of that? 

I guess that's fair, but it still involves creating the material (whatever it turns out to be), and getting it out there in a way that's accessible and compelling. I resist promoting myself.

Let me worry about those details for now, okay? You just focus on getting the book written, it's looking good, what you've done so far. Give yourself some credit.

I know you want to avoid it, hide from it, sweep it away, under the carpet and pretend it's not there; but it is there Hon. 

You have insight that many will respond to: You're an "ordinary" person who's become aware of extraordinary things. Let that truth guide you.


  1. Honey, Penelope is right. Why would you not have have anything special or worthwhile to offer? You and Her helped us out a great deal and we thank you.

    As far as an "'ordinary person who's become of extraordinary things'", who am I? Just a pill pusher living in a POS house that is needing a lot of repair, with a legally blind husband and supposedly autistic daughter, right? It is agreed, many may indeed may respond to that reality of ordinary people aware of things beyond the earth realm. Why discredit yourself? As She said, the truth is there, Hon. I'm in the state of "checking it out in download form" as Nathan just put it.

    Get your book written and then we'll buy it on Amazon or wherever.

    Nathan will speak here:

    Stefanya, Penelope is wanting you, now, to awaken others such as yourself, dear. She wants you as Her conduit as well Her coauthor to enlighten people who could be a bit lost and/or seeking "clues" to why they're here; who they really are; what are they and what do they feel compelled to what ought to be doing in their incarnation.

    I, as my whole self now, feel that there will be a Spiritual starvation, essentially, and a hunger for further on a "bridge" to reconnect to "Source" mainly due to wide spread sources of panic as well as people hypnotised to a screen of propaganda feedings. You see it everyday.

    I support every work you can put into your book. You're expanding beyond your comfort zone, here. Great job, Love.

    1. Nathan/Monica:

      Thank you so much for your encouraging feedback. It comes perfectly timed and stated to help me overcome my reluctance to furthering my purpose here.


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