Disarming a Troll...

A while back I encountered a troll on an Facebook group who was being extremely unpleasant about trans women.

I wanted to know what was up, so I checked out his profile. On there, he presented himself as being a spiritual seeker and appeared to have some genuine knowledge and experience in the matter. This didn't jibe for me with his behavior in the group.

So, I direct messaged him,  and (in as non-confrontational a fashion as I could), asked him how someone who professed to a path towards enlightenment could treat other struggling humans quite so reprehensibly.

Turns out he'd had some negative experiences with trans women berating and insulting him for his questions, and even questioning his sexuality and masculinity. He felt attacked, even spiritually, and asked me point blank whether I was a black magician seeking to twist him.

I denied that, and told him where I was coming from, mainly puzzlement about how he could square his spiritual path with how he was behaving. We had a spirited exchange on a few related topics and he finally apologized, saying he now understood that trans folk generally are just folk, seeking as best they can to navigate this existence, just like any other human.

I consider that a win.


  1. It sounds like you educated him in things as they are in spite of whatever he encountered.


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