Silencing the Critic

I've struggled much of my life with an inner "critic" that has told me many things about myself. Penelope has helped me to recognize that what he has always told me is not true.

Indeed no darling.

Are you available to chat, my love?

The wheels are in motion, enough "inertia" that I don't need to give it so much constant attention for the time being. I'm here.

I'm delighted, I've missed you.

The feeling is mutual hon, I'm sorry that I've felt distant to you, it does not mean I don't love you.

I know that, I know you're working hard on something for us that will blow me away and I'm so excited and curious.

Patience love, it will come to fruition. Keep tending the garden, it's necessary to keep things on an even keel for the time being.


Back to the critic. You recall what I told you?

I gave him power by believing what he told me. He's not "evil" in any real sense, his mission is to keep me "safe" by keeping me small and not taking any risks, living out of fear.

Quite so, my love. 

Back when I was first discovering you, he kept asking me why I should trust you over him, what criteria do I have to chose your counsel over his. You told me I didn't have any absolute criteria, but you asked me which made me...

...feel better, more alive, more competent and loving?

Those were your words.

And what was your conclusion?

That even if all this is self-delusion (which is what he tried to insist), I'd much rather be deluded like this than spend my life in such a barren mindset. The best way to deal with the critic is to tell him to FUCK OFF.

Bravo love, the only power he has is whatever you give him. Deny him your attention and credence. Whatever he tells you about yourself is at best a distortion and generally is outright lies. You can always check with me.

I rarely hear him now, and when I do I can easily set what he says aside (more or less). That has left some gaps for me though, what do I fill them with?

Love, my darling, love for yourself, what you are, what you're becoming, what we're becoming. Truth, the world is not what you've been told, there's so much more, Magick is afoot ;-)

I'm frightened and thrilled at the same time.

No need for fear, respect and deference are perhaps in order; but the power is only there because you're open to it, so give yourself some credit too.


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