Coming Home

Rereading through the conversation with Penelope in Love is Safe from the other day, one of her comments left me a bit puzzled:

It's me you're looking for Hon. Always. And I'm always here waiting for you to come home. Come home to me, sweet baby love. [Emphases mine]

Where exactly is "home" for us? I asked her this morning for some clarification.

My Love, Home for us is our Heart, the grand Love we share in Eternity. I wait always for you to find your way back to Us. Our Heart is a grand chamber we inhabit, your incarnate heart is like a holographic fragment of what we share.

I feel like I fail You, like I'm not worthy of the devotion You express towards me. I'm such a screw up.

That's your projection, Hon; and the critic trying to pull you down.

The sooner and better you're able just to get past your own self critique and the self-imposed limitations that inhibit you from simply joyously returning to me whenever you notice we're separating and chose to return, the sooner and more fully we'll be together, don't you see that?

No matter how often I miss the mark or get lost or distracted?

Think of the Biblical Parable of the Prodigal Son. The Father welcomes him home joyously.

Come Home Baby, I'm here for you. Always. 

Love and Smoochies. xoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxxo


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