I need to do this...
No you don't, if this feels like a chore, don't do it. It shouldn't feel like a chore. It's not about how it should feel, it's about how it does feel. Life feels like a chore right now Honey. Most things hold little spark for me. You know this. Yes. Any comment on that? It's clearly how you feel. If you're asking for me to talk you out of it, I can't do that, everything you experience, everything you're butting up against, is real. No denying that. Your response is entirely rational. But is "rational" how I want to address my life? Bingo! I remember when we first started talking, how excited I was, how amazing and special it felt. It still feels amazing and special, but the "spark" of newness is gone. I don't want to feel that way about You, I don't want to take this for granted, have it become ordinary; it's clearly not. I'm thinking about how I'm still amazed at myself in the mirror. I love how I look now...