Where did that come from...?

I just had a really unpleasant interaction with a random guy on Facebook. I'm not sure how but his Messenger text came into my regular feed, unlike most others that come in as a "Message Request" (either "You may know" or "Spam").

He immediately launched into sex talk, saying what he wanted to do with me. When I asked him how he found me he said he'd been searching for, as he put it, "the most beautiful crossdresser". 

I informed him that I'm not a crossdresser, that this is me 24/7 all the time. 

He then mentioned more he wanted to do to me, then offered to pay me. 

I told him, as I've told other guys, if he'll pay me, I'll be happy to provide some fap fodder. So far none have coughed up any dough, this guy was no different. 

When I pressed him for how he'd pay me and then I refused to divulge contact info, he became abusive and insulting. Insisting I'm a man and asking why I dress in women's clothing. 

It became clear he was only baiting me, so I finally ended up reporting and blocking him. 

Now I'm more upset than the incident really warrants. 
I try to have a thick skin about people like that, but it still makes me sad.

It sucks that no matter what I do or how I feel that some people focus solely on the accident of birth that gave me a male body. 

Womanhood is the only club I give two fucks about belonging to and  for some people I'm forever excluded because of something I have no control over. 


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