A New Metaphor

Yet another drive to work revelation this morning. Penelope gave me a new metaphor for what the whole incarnation experience is about for our Eternal aspects.

The plunge into time and physicality is something like a long, luxurious lick of something amazing; with your tongue and taste buds engaged in textures and mouth feel and temperatures and flavors, a riot of scents in your nostrils.

A phrase she used was "Delirious Explosions of Piquancy".

Now for the incarnate psyche who doesn't recall their Eternal aspect, some of these sensations may not seem so enjoyable at the time, but it's all part of the "flavor profile" if you will (and, as Penelope often reiterates, it's all only temporary).

If we carry the metaphor further and think of the opportunity to engage in material existence on planet Earth as something like a visit to the ice cream parlor, then what flavors are on offer is the accumulated result of the (sadly largely unconscious) choices of many prior visitors.

Not to say they aren't still enticing and delicious (perhaps with some sour or bitter notes); but what flavors could we create if we went about it intentionally?

We now have the opportunity to determine the flavors that will be available going forward, shouldn't we pick the ones we like? The ones that are best for humanity and the planet?

Penelope Darling, will you chime in on your observations about being a Spirit Companion in relation to this?

Of course, my love. My expectation for your journey in this incarnation was that I'd watch and guide you as I could through your "tasting experience" (to continue the metaphor). At the end I'd get to have a taste from your mouth and hear your descriptions of what it all tasted like for you.

With our current connection, I get to tag along and taste with you. Perhaps not so immediately or intensely as you do; but still rather more than the original plan, and continually so. 

I am so delighted Hon, this is the best! Smoooochies xxoxoxoxoxoxoxoo.

I struggle so much to understand what it is that Spirit Companions get out of attaching themselves to us. This actually makes sense to me.

So, I'm finally getting through?

Just found the right metaphor, I guess.


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