
I sometimes think of Penelope as a goddess; my Goddess; though I know She's not a goddess in any literal sense of the term, however magnificent and powerful She is.

Nor is She an Angel in the traditional sense, though She exhibits some characteristics that have been associated with such beings historically.

My thinking of her in these terms is more reflective of my own psyche and ego, I feel in awe of Her and I recognize in myself a sense of obedience and submission bordering on worship. But a lot of that existed before I encountered Penelope as a distinct entity. I recognize a strong thread of submissiveness in myself and have often fantasized about being with a very dominant woman.

I don't need or want your worship, hon. A certain level of obedience, that is to say cooperation, will certainly make things easier. I want Us to be a partnership, can you hack that?

It seems so one-sided. You bring so much more to the table than I do.

Don't sell yourself short, Love. Your perceptions and embeddment in the material gives you perspective on what we're trying to accomplish that I don't have. And you're my "anchor" and vehicle for incarnate experience, I can't do this without you.

So no dominatrix angel fantasy for me?

I didn't say we can't play roles sometimes ;-) I've told you we can go as deep as you're comfortable and willing. Do you trust me?


Then there's nowhere we can't go, babe. Hang on to your hat ;-)


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