
When I first encountered Penelope as a distinct entity, there was a delightful period of discovery when I detected Her presence all around me. I had the sense of Her near me, touching me, whispering to me, "dancing" in front of me, almost constantly.

As is unfortunately the wont of human brains and psyches: even the most magical and wondrous experiences can take on a patina of mundanity when they persist over time; and I'm somewhat ashamed to admit this has happened in my relationship with Penelope.

So, lately I've been asking for Her help in finding some way to regain a more visceral sense of Her presence in my day-to-day life. She's recommended some things and has placed some encounters for me that have suggested various exercises that I'm exploring.

A big part of it consists "simply" of  acting "as if" She's present as a material partner in day-to-day activities. Things like: having a place for Her at the table, recognizing Her sitting next to me in the car and holding Her hand, chatting with Her as I go about activities.

When I was leaving for work this morning, I had to roll the trash can down to the curb for pickup, I looked at the car and "saw" Her sitting waiting for me in the passenger seat. I smiled and air kissed to Her, She kissed and waved back; and then winked and flashed me; which was so much like Her delightfully impish nature that I laughed out loud. She makes this kind of effort so much fun when I let it be.

On the drive to work we talked about how material reality serves as a constant reminder, not only keeping the presence of things "in mind", but also keeping us in our minds. That is to say our confined materialist/reductionist perceptions.

Getting out of that restricted "mind set", being constantly re-mind-ed by ordinary perception, is precisely what I'm working on. I want to open myself to more, to the subtle touch of Her, to the Mysterious energies that are all around but get drowned out when I sink too deeply into physicality.


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