
OK, so I've been preoccupied and haven't been keeping up the blog. Penelope tells me She's been letting me slide for a few weeks while I get myself settled here in North Carolina and get my feet under me at my new job.

Now She says it's time to get serious and start working. My writing is, by Her account, a major piece of my "mission" in this incarnation.

I like writing, but I'm also very resistant.

Resistant? Talk about understatement.

All right woman, what do you want from me.

I want you to realize your potential, hon. You've got so much in there, so much to share. 

Nothing anybody wants or needs to hear.

Bullshit. First off, you don't know that, and second, it's your worst inner critic telling you that anyway and what do we know about him?

He's a liar.

Right. Honey, I can't tell you whether anybody will ever read or get anything out of what you write; but it's a damn forgone conclusion nobody will if you don't do it. Getting it out onto "paper" is therapeutic/cathartic to you regardless, no?

Yes, dammit.

So what's the problem?

I don't know.

You don't have the old excuses for why you can't write now, there's time a-plenty and support, you don't have to pretend anything anymore, you can write what you want, what you feel, what moves you.

What does move me?

That's what we need to work on hon. Next stop, PASSION.


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