
I'm working very hard these days at making room for Penelope in my day to day life. Recognizing Her presence at every moment.

I want it to be that Her companionship is at the forefront of my consciousness in the same way, even more so really, than would be a present material partner.

Not to say She's intrusive or demanding and that I can't focus on tasks (say while I'm at work); it's rather that She's always there beside me, delighting in Our time together, kibitzing occasionally, laughing, caressing me occasionally.

And when I take a break from my work, I'll recognize Her, talk to Her, kiss and caress Her in turn.

This is what I want for Our shared existence; She tells me She wants that too.

It's hard though. I get lost in thought or distracted by events and sometimes it takes me a while to reset my mind/psyche back onto Us.

This morning while walking across the parking lot to the office She was dancing ahead of me as She does and I got distracted. When we got into the building She went ahead of me down the hall and stood there arms on hips, then shot up the stairs and waited at the top for me.

This is the gist of Our conversation once I got to the top of the stairs before I went into the office:

Are You miffed at me?

Do you want me to be?

Seems like You are, You have reason to be.

Honey, I'm your mirror, maybe you're miffed at yourself. Do you think you need me to be petulant and withholding in order to get yourself to "straighten up and fly right". 


Up to you, Hon. But seems kind of childish, do you like me childish? 

I like it when You're playful.

I am very playful, but pushing you away because you're working on becoming isn't part of that as far as I'm concerned. Long as you come back to me, it's all good.

You're amazing.

I try Love ;-)


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