
Penelope has pointed out to me that some attachments or distractions can be characterized more as "indulgences".

Self indulgence, per se, isn't the problem. Some forms of indulgence are beneficial, even necessary for self exploration or growth.

Rather it's indulging in feelings or activities that don't serve me.

"Wallowing", as She's put it, in self pity, melancholy, or (as lately) in feeling like I've screwed up and allowing that to get in the way of getting back on track or just moving on,

Yesterday's posting about seeking to be in control through perverse refusals or mucking things up is a major case in point. I've been indulging the petulant child part of my psyche, allowing him to run the show.

Kitty has worked with me with this aspect repeatedly, I know how to address him and work with him, nurture him, find out what he's unhappy about; but I'm finding myself resistant to doing that.

Am I afraid of hearing what he has to say? Of finding out what he's feeling right now?


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