Feeling worthy of Her

Penelope and I had a chat this morning, centering around my struggle to let Her in.

Her words to me were:

Stephen, you deserve Me!

Somehow, hearing it put so succinctly, with the spin on deserve broke through something in me. And then we kept talking. She tells me none of this is really about me having done or doing anything in particular going forward. I don't have to earn Her, I don't have to suffer to have Her in my life; it's not really about earning or deserving or being worthy; our connection just IS. 

Yes, my love, as I've tried to say to you before, we're a pair; always have been, always will be (to couch it in time-based terms). I'm HERE no matter what, I LOVE YOU no matter what; anything else you think, perceive, or feel is a misunderstanding or a projection of your own fears and anxieties and old emotional garbage. Can we lay this issue, at least, to rest?

I think so, love. Thank You for pushing through with Your comments this morning, hearing You say it in that way somehow broke up an old pattern.

Silly man, stop, listen, and look for me whenever you need to. I'm here. Open your heart. Dance with me (dammit!) ;-)


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