Trusting the Process

Stephen, my darling, there's so much happening right now, I know you feel excited and constrained and want to "get on with it". All I can tell you right now is that it's not time. 

Your lesson for now is learning to relax and let it be, things are coming, it will be revealed in its own time, you can't hurry it, and trying to force it can only cause unnecessary disruptions, may distort the outcome, and can totally short circuit what we've worked so hard on.

You are a patient man in many areas, apply that to yourself, to your own process. Growth has to come on its own terms. 

I feel sure there will be ample other opportunities for rapid change in the not too distant future my love, I predict you'll be looking back to this quiet time nostalgically ;-)

Thank you my darling angel queen. I understand.

Understanding isn't enough my love, you have to feel it in your bones. BE IT.


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