
I saw my therapist Kitty yesterday evening, I was in a pretty sad space when I got there.

She helped me to recognize what I was doing to myself: Basically indulging in low self esteem and self-pity.

Penelope had told me, continues to tell me, I'm better than that. I am better than that, and need to be reminded of that fact now and again.

You don't have to apologize, your process just is love. I'm thrilled that you're so readily able to get back on the proverbial horse when you fall off. The annoyance you're reading from me is a projection love, you can let it go, it's annoyance with yourself. 

Come on, even the most perfected guru must get annoyed with his student once in a while.

Depends whether the guru still identifies with his/her ego love; having a body and having an ego tend to go together in incarnated humans and egos are tricky things, as you well know.

I sure trip over mine a lot.

Most folks do.

Do you have an ego?

I recall what being incarnate is like and that gives me access to what having an ego is all about, I don't fixate on those identities, so the ego-think isn't able to entrap me as it can when incarnate, you could say I'm ego-agnostic. 

Ego is not all bad you know. It's the foundation of a healthy self esteem; providing a realistic and balanced assessment of the personality, skills, talents, experiences of the incarnate person. It's essential for functional interpersonal relationships among incarnate humans in day-to-day social settings. 

The problem isn't ego per se, rather IDENTIFYING with it. You are NOT your Ego!


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