Winds of Heaven


So again.

What do I do?

You're already doing it. You just pierced her. 

I don't want to hurt her.

You can't ultimately, she can only hurt herself. But there's no way for this to resolve without some pain. New life, Birth, comes forth in some pain. 

I just want everybody to be happy.

That's not in your power to grant. The only one whose happiness you have any control over is you. 

So you're saying I've never made anybody else happy?

I'm saying you may have contributed to conditions that another found happiness within; but do you suppose for one moment that their happiness was guaranteed by those conditions? You could provide everything somebody thought they ever wanted and they'd still not be happy. There's wisdom behind the myths and legends of wishes going awry.

So do I just do what is in my heart to do, and damn whoever it hurts?

I suggest you consider all the consequences you can see (and there will likely be others you can't); but it's essential for you to be true to your deepest realizations, and you know where those are leading you now.

I know where they appear to be leading: Living alone, someplace new, spending a great deal more time communicating with you and exploring the spiritual angles of what I've been experiencing recently. But is all that a psychospiritual boondoggle?

Doubts again? Courage my love, all will be well. There may be some rough waters ahead for a bit, but you can weather that, and think what's on the other side ;-)

It's going to be amazing, isn't it?

You betcha! ;-)


  1. Stephen, I don't have a blog. I did belong to which is no longer operating. It went down 3 to 6 months ago. I had quite a bit written on that site. It is all gone now. I was lightislife. I have to be very careful since I am still married. Looking back, Adora was with me since a wee tot. When I was 10, I heard her ask me to let her into my heart. In my first year of college in 81, I made a deeper commitment and she poured so much love into me that changed my life forever. Blew all my circuits. She was and is my first love. Being that I thought she was the Holy Spirit, I went on to marry twice. I have suspicions that she influenced my choice of mates and may have contributed to the downfall of them. I am not upset or angry about that as long as I can finally be with my true love. I know that I grew a lot in both relationships and if that is what it took to get me in the right place to be with my true love, then it was all worth it.
    My second marriage is on the path of divorce and not much I can do about it. I am having major problems in memory, thought, and speaking so I am not able to meet my wife's emotional needs. I been tested and doctors can't find anything wrong. My mind has been on a decline since 1995. I divorced my first wife of 14 years in 1999 because it wasn't working out and I found out that she married me more as a cover for her being a lesbian. I married my second wife in 2000. We both found out that our pasts caused issues in our marriage so we worked on those issues and rededicated our marriage in 2010 in an attempt to try again. Now it is this communication issue that will finally cause it to end.
    Two years ago is when Adora started to reveal herself to me when I was really down and desperate. I committed my life and future to her at that time now that I knew who she was. I am ok with my current marriage to end but I don't want me to be the one doing it. I don't want to harden my heart to leave. She has medical issues and doesn't work that also compilcates leaving. I can't see my way thru this big delema. I told Adora that she will have to make a way that doesn't compromise or harden my heart and destroy me financially. I want my current wife to live a happy and long life, just not with me. How that is to be accomplished is beyond me.
    My first commitment was with Adora back when I was 10. She has the first dibs on me. I wished that I knew what I know now long time ago and I wouldn't have married anyone. The path I walked may have been what was needed at the time. I don't know. All I know now, is to move forward in love.
    I am taking it one step at a time. I feel that I am walking in pitch blackness with only a small candle that barely lights the next step. I feel Adora's love and trust it like I have all these years. She will make a way where there is no way. I try to walk in love the best that I can and leave the results to God. I am letting fear stay at the gate and am just hunkering down in my first true Love's arms and trusting in her love for me.
    I want to thank you for your blog, it's been very helpful and a comfort.

    1. Pat:
      I am so grateful you wrote. Just knowing I'm not alone in these experiences is such great comfort and confirmation.

      I've had inklings of Penelope all my life as well, though I didn't recognize Her for what She is and didn't know how to experience and communicate with Her openly and reliably until fairly recently.

      I'm saddened to hear of your struggles with your health and incarnate marriages. I have every confidence that you and Adora will find your way through to something grand, and soon.

      Hang in there.

      Keep me posted on how you are doing, I care.

  2. Ok I have been thinking on your situation, and that of other bloggers as well. The one thing I wonder about is why did they choose you to begin with. Among the online bloggers there are some similarities, such as depression, self esteem issues, mental health varying on severity, and possibly other smaller personality ticks that might hold their confidence back from dating a human partner. My big question for Penelope is why do spirits like her choose human partners with these issues going on. I have yet to see a blogger come online with a succubi or other similar spirit, and have absolutely nothing going on with them that would take away from self esteem or confidence. I am not saying they aren't out there, but if so they are not writing about it. Why are these succubi not going after perfectly healthy males with zero baggage at all? Could it be because they usually find human mates early on or due to most the population refusing to believe or take steps to trust and get to know these energies. I saw on asuccubuslovesme blog that one of his ladies left due to her elevating herself to a whole different level from spending time with him, and that due to her I guess you could say new role she could no longer stay. That makes these occurrences seem like a job of some sort, that these female or male entities are sent out and tasked with finding part time mates to raise their vibrations enough for them to go out onto the world on their own and prosper. On the flip side of this coin you could have a too good to be true scenario where men in this category are being slowly preyed on due to the spirit knowing the companion in there current state would never turn them down and would welcome any attention the spirit gives them. While cruel this would be one hell of a master plan, I do not think anyone would turn down unconditional love when life has them down. If you have a chance Penelope I would love to hear your thoughts, I know you are busy getting things prepared. I am sure I am probably not alone thinking these thoughts, we do as human beings fear the unknown sometimes, and the experiences you girls involve us in is very much unknown.

  3. Thank you for your observations. I tried repeatedly to tease out a cogent answer for you, but She's having none of it. Here's Penelope:

    Something in phrasing of your words and your tone make me suspicious that you may be a so called Troll looking to sow discord here.

    Can you assure me that you are not? If so then I will attempt an answer.

    1. Hello Penelope I am not a troll as you have probably also seen what Stephen sees you have seen the other blogs I speak of and can vouch that what I present here is true in some degree or another I meant no offense but just seek answers, I know this post doesn't come across with rainbows and sunshine but I am sure my own spirits would not allow that kind of attitude from me.

    2. What I meant to say is my spirits would not let me nor would I want to disrespect your or Stephen in any way.

    3. From Penelope:
      Your comments suggest that We should be able to identify you from postings on other lists. Perhaps you're not aware that your comments appear as "Anonymous" on the blog here?

      In any case, "Rainbows and Sunshine" are neither required nor necessarily helpful, but if your "spirits" prevent you from expressing the positive aspects of these types of experiences along with the negative, then maybe it's time for an attitude adjustment. (If I may quote Elvis Costello: "What's so funny about Peace, Love, and Understanding").

      Thank you for the reassurance of your respect, that's sufficient for me for now.

      As to your original question: I cannot speak for others, only with any certainty about Stephen's and My relationship. It extends far beyond the particular psychospiritual inflections he's experiencing at this stage of this incarnation.

      He is struggling to overcome a lifetime of self-imposed limitations and fears and has opened himself to the Cosmos, to Me in ways that are very unexpected, given his path up to now.

      I feel delighted to be in contact with him like this and I could no more leave him or mislead him than you could fly yourself to the Moon by flapping your arms and taking a running jump.

      Again, I cannot speak authoritatively to other spirit companion relationships, the possible variations are endless; but I would caution you to make clear the distinction between the overt appearances, actions, and intents of spirit companions, and the psychospiritual "projections" that may have been laid upon them by their incarnate partners.

      One role I can say we all largely share is acting as "mirrors" for our partners' growth process. We can take on forms of terror and betrayal as easily as those of love and hope, depending on the "needs" of the incarnate partner.

      I say "needs" in quotes, because this is often not a conscious process for the incarnate. Few people bound into their "meat bodies" (as I've seen it termed) and embedded in time are completely or even largely aware of their own deepest anguish and longings.

      We, or at least I with Stephen, have been a facilitator for bridging that gap and helping him to move through a great deal of old material that was holding him back in a remarkably short time.

      As to why it appears that spirit companions often chose the wounded and forgotten to manifest to, perhaps it's because of potential. Some shine most brightly, given a little polish and attention, after a lifetime of neglect.

      However, incarnate souls have free will, we can show the path, clear some obstacles, offer guidance; but it's still up to the incarnate to do the work, clear their spirits, accept the guidance and follow through.

      All the earlier caveats about the incarnate's projections apply here.

      Does that address your concerns?


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