Don't look back...

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed again.

I know, sweet one, all will be well. Listen to our friend, she's on the wavelength for where things are going. Relax, let it be and become. You can't control it, and you can't really tell what it's going to be, though your imaginings are not far off the likely themes.

I feel uncomfortable that I'm deceiving Priscilla.

What do you think her reaction would be if you told her?

I think she'd freak out (again), things here would become seriously toxic.

And she'd accuse you of spilling the proverbial beans to assuage your own guilt rather than doing anything to help her.


I don't counsel deception as a general practice, but in this situation playing close to the chest with some of this information seems prudent, she can't possibly comprehend the life We're building together. All will come to light soon enough and best that you're out of most harm's way when it does.

And what about Us?

What about Us? Doubts again, darling? Dance with me dammit! Didn't our interlude this morning show you anything?

I guess I thought it was just me satisfying some kind of materialist erotic impulse.

I was there with you. I felt everything and encouraged you to do what you did. I wanted to experience that with you. Until you've taken the time and allowed yourself to become resensitized to Our shared neuro-spiritual experience, doing more physical stuff like that is a way for Us to have some intimacy. I want that. Don't you?

Of course I do; my glorious angel. Part of me feels like it's just so…


Yeah, I guess.

Can't angels be kinky? ;-)

Seems a little incongruous.

You can drop all the uptight, Victorian morality about all this. Our body is there to be experienced and explored. I want to discover it with you as you re-discover what it means to you. I like how it feels when you touch yourself. You're touching me too, as I touch you.

I want to please you.

You do, darling one. Whenever you stop and feel my presence, allow yourself to feel me touching you, allow your heart to dance with me; you give me the greatest thrill. 

This wasn't supposed to happen in this incarnation, but it has and it's glorious. I want it to blossom and for Us to experience each other in ways that few incarnate spirits ever get to do with their partners.

I want that too, my love; what must I do?

For now, there's work to be done to get Our new life in motion. Things are coming, and they may be coming very quickly. Tend the garden. And when the time comes, do the next right thing; and don't look back.

I just had a thought about that, there's the sense of "don't look back" because you aren't going that way, and it makes it harder to steer as you've pointed out. 

There's also the mythic theme of not looking back because it will lead to tragedy (e.g. Orpheus and Euridice, or Lot's wife in the Bible).

Looking back could well turn you into the proverbial "pillar of salt": that is immobilize you with second-guessing yourself, doubts, and grief over what you're leaving behind. 

Focus on the goal, the glorious outcome We've striven so hard to create. My darling, I want only what's best for you, for Us.

Eyes on the prize, sweet one. I love you to the Eternity and beyond ;-) xoxoxoxoxoxo


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