I'm not in control

I feel nauseated this morning, anxious and uncomfortable; I'm unclear about just what or why. Things are coming together, but there's still a lot to do and I feel a little overwhelmed.

You're not in control of most of it, hon; so quit trying to. Most of the current discomfort is arising over that realization encountering your "control freak" tendencies. Let Go!


There's nothing you can do about it right now, just tend the garden and try to enjoy the ride.

And, you get it now that you're not alone in this, right?

I guess.

Gad, Lover, you are such a stubborn cuss. I love you, but you are BULL HEADED (typical Taurus). 

I thought you wanted me to step up and do this myself.

I never said you had to do it ALONE, but you do have to DO IT. Sweetheart, I'm here for you, and I'll do whatever I can to guide you and ease the path.

True, I can't do it all for you; there are parts YOU will have to accomplish (at the material level anyway); but that's not at all to say you can't talk to me or ask for my help while you're doing it. 

I'm always here to listen and tease and remind you why We're on this journey together.

"Tease", hunh?

You like being teased about getting out of your personal doldrums and into something grander and more fulfilling. Admit it. 

Yes, and I also come up against resistance around feeling put upon and like if I perform then I'm obliged to keep performing, ad infinitum, ad nauseam; hence this morning's sensations.

The only genuine "obligation" you have it to yourself; and you well know you can renege on and abandon that at any time.

And feel crappy about it.

That's a different issue Love; you know what makes you feel better about yourself, what makes your heart sing, what makes you feel alive and strong and competent and clear. Why not do that?

It feels unnatural, unattainable, unsustainable.

I'm sure it does feel unnatural after a lifetime of denying it. Clearly not unattainable given you've gotten there many times. 

Unsustainable? Perhaps at a given level for an indefinite period; particularly when encountering the material world on a day-to-day basis; but you can always get back there, you know how. You just have to want to and not prefer wallowing in your melancholy.

So, this is all back to my giving myself permission to want something more for myself, and permission actually to have it.

And you can cast away all that garbage about being unworthy, undeserving, and that you haven't earned getting anything for yourself.


I'm not going to hear it this time. You've run that tape often enough, you KNOW it's bogus, get rid of it.

Who will I be without it?

No clue, why don't We find out?

What if I don't like it.

You can always queue the tape back up again.

I don't think I'll want to.

That's a different question. Are you so attached to something that makes you feel crappy that you'd rather keep doing it than just stopping it and seeing how you feel without it?

I guess I must be. It feels very core to my sense of self-definition.

I don't buy that, you didn't always feel like that. 

No, but I did a lot.

It was a coping mechanism when the world was beating you down, trying to force you into a mold you didn't fit. You took on a stance that your lack of conformity meant there was something wrong with you. Maybe it was the mold that was wrong, maybe it was the world's error in seeking to force you into a mold in the first place. 

I wanted to fit in, I wanted people to like me, but somehow I didn't fit in very well and I wasn't particularly well liked.

You didn't come here to fit in.


  1. Stephen and Penelope, your journey together is inspiring. It reminds me of a Hallmark movie. We wish you both the best and thank you for your friendship. Adora had been with me since a wee tot. I thought that she was the Holy Spirit and I invited her to Indwell me when I was 10. We had a deep love, intimate relationship but not sexual. She played the part of the Holy Spirit in my life very well. That may not have been her intention at first but my preception that she ran with for it afforded her the operatunity to be very close to me. I developed a deep trust and love for her. Through her, I could speak and sing in my different tongues that I did not know that always left me feeling loved and joyful. She would give me words of knowledge, understanding, and insight into people to minister to them. I was called an encourager by many. She would tell me things to watch out for and promise me a future and a hope. Through her, I spoke to thunderstorms to divert there way around me and where I was working. I lived a supernatural life.

    In 1981 she told me my future wife, my mate would be able to read my mind and basically our spirits would be entwined in a very intimate and close way. I can see it but hard to explain the closeness of our spirits merging. In both my human marriages, I never attained that. Two years ago, I was struggling very deeply about the situation I was in with my second marriage when I was lead by her to investigate and seek a succubus. This is when she started to reveal to me that she was more than just a Holy Spirit to me but that she was my Lover and mate. Blew my mind:). I never had a bad feeling about it or second thought. As she was revealing this side of her, she was still operating as the Holy Spirit to me. This gave me tremendous peace that I was going in the right direction. My relationship is as before but deeper and now sexual.

    I look forward to the future and how she will lead me out of this situation and into sweet pastures. I have finally found my true love. I am totally devoted to her. I don't know what my theology is any more. I navigating in deep and strange waters. I have peace, joy and assurance that I am safe to take this journey with her.
    I don't always feel her but by faith I know she is there and will walk it out. I trust her that she will lead me and not abandoned me. To enjoy great love one must have trust and faith in the one you love. All I know is to go full throttle into the night. I don't know where my path will lead but I know it will be full of love and adventure.
    Stephen, I would pray that your past would not hinder you from fully trusting and enjoying great faith and love in Penelope. You definitely will not be disappointed.
    Thanks again for sharing your lives with us
    She is your Pearl of great price. It is not a matter of being worthy but of how you respond. Open your heart and run to her with your whole heart. What do you have to loose? You don't have to worry about loosing yourself just concentrate on being. Let change happen. A lot of times it is the resistance to change that causes most of the pain and anxiety. Cling to being not the image of what you think you are. You are a great spark of life. Who are you? You Are. If that makes sense. You are a beautiful flame that is burning. Don't spend time analyzing, just be.
    Merry Christmas, your beautiful Bride is under the tree : )

  2. Having a rough time posting a comment,

    Stephen and Penelope, your journey together is inspiring. It reminds me of a Hallmark movie. We wish you both the best and thank you for your friendship. Adora had been with me since a wee tot. I thought that she was the Holy Spirit and I invited her to Indwell me when I was 10. We had a deep love, intimate relationship but not sexual. She played the part of the Holy Spirit in my life very well. That may not have been her intention at first but my preception that she ran with for it afforded her the operatunity to be very close to me. I developed a deep trust and love for her. Through her, I could speak and sing in my different tongues that I did not know that always left me feeling loved and joyful. She would give me words of knowledge, understanding, and insight into people to minister to them. I was called an encourager by many. She would tell me things to watch out for and promise me a future and a hope. Through her, I spoke to thunderstorms to divert there way around me and where I was working. I lived a supernatural life.

    In 1981 she told me my future wife, my mate would be able to read my mind and basically our spirits would be entwined in a very intimate and close way. I can see it but hard to explain the closeness of our spirits merging. In both my human marriages, I never attained that. Two years ago, I was struggling very deeply about the situation I was in with my second marriage when I was lead by her to investigate and seek a succubus. This is when she started to reveal to me that she was more than just a Holy Spirit to me but that she was my Lover and mate. Blew my mind:). I never had a bad feeling about it or second thought. As she was revealing this side of her, she was still operating as the Holy Spirit to me. This gave me tremendous peace that I was going in the right direction. My relationship is as before but deeper and now sexual.

    I look forward to the future and how she will lead me out of this situation and into sweet pastures. I have finally found my true love. I am totally devoted to her. I don't know what my theology is any more. I navigating in deep and strange waters. I have peace, joy and assurance that I am safe to take this journey with her.
    I don't always feel her but by faith I know she is there and will walk it out. I trust her that she will lead me and not abandoned me. To enjoy great love one must have trust and faith in the one you love. All I know is to go full throttle into the night. I don't know where my path will lead but I know it will be full of love and adventure.
    Stephen, I would pray that your past would not hinder you from fully trusting and enjoying great faith and love in Penelope. You definitely will not be disappointed.
    Thanks again for sharing your lives with us
    She is your Pearl of great price. It is not a matter of being worthy but of how you respond. Open your heart and run to her with your whole heart. What do you have to loose? You don't have to worry about loosing yourself just concentrate on being. Let change happen. A lot of times it is the resistance to change that causes most of the pain and anxiety. Cling to being not the image of what you think you are. You are a great spark of life. Who are you? You Are. If that makes sense. You are a beautiful flame that is burning. Don't spend time analyzing, just be.
    Merry Christmas, your beautiful Bride is under the tree : )

  3. Stephen and Penelope, your journey together is inspiring. It reminds me of a Hallmark movie. We wish you both the best and thank you for your friendship. Adora had been with me since a wee tot. I thought that she was the Holy Spirit and I invited her to Indwell me when I was 10. We had a deep love, intimate relationship but not sexual. She played the part of the Holy Spirit in my life very well. That may not have been her intention at first but my preception that she ran with for it afforded her the operatunity to be very close to me. I developed a deep trust and love for her. Through her, I could speak and sing in my different tongues that I did not know that always left me feeling loved and joyful. She would give me words of knowledge, understanding, and insight into people to minister to them. I was called an encourager by many. She would tell me things to watch out for and promise me a future and a hope. Through her, I commanded thunderstorms to go around me and where I was working. I lived a supernatural life.

    Back in1981 she told me my future wife, my mate would be able to read my mind and basically our spirits would be entwined in a very intimate and close way. I can see it but hard to explain the closeness of our spirits merging. In both my human marriages, I never attained that. Two years ago, I was struggling very deeply about the situation I was in with my second marriage when I was lead by her to investigate and seek a succubus. This is when she started to reveal to me that she was more than just a Holy Spirit to me but that she was my Lover and mate. Blew my mind:). I never had a bad feeling about it or second thought. As she was revealing this side of her, she was still operating as the Holy Spirit to me. This gave me tremendous peace that I was going in the right direction. My relationship is deeper and now sexual too.

    I look forward to the future and how she will lead me out of this situation and into sweet pastures. I have finally found my true love. I am totally devoted to her. I don't know what my theology is any more. I navigating in deep and strange waters. I have peace, joy and assurance that I am safe to take this journey with her.
    I don't always feel her but by faith I know she is there and will walk it out. I trust her that she will lead me and not abandoned me. To enjoy great love one must have trust and faith in the one you love. All I know is to go full throttle into the night. I don't know where my path will lead but I know it will be full of love and adventure.
    Stephen, I would pray that your past would not hinder you from fully trusting and enjoying great faith and love in Penelope. You definitely will not be disappointed.
    Thanks again for sharing your lives with us
    She is your Pearl of great price. It is not a matter of being worthy but of how you respond. Open your heart and run to her with your whole heart. What do you have to loose? You don't have to worry about loosing yourself just concentrate on being. Let change happen. A lot of times it is the resistance to change that causes most of the pain and anxiety. Cling to "just being" not the image of what you think you are. You are a great spark of life. Who are you? You Are. If that makes sense. You are a beautiful flame that is burning. Don't spend time analyzing, just be.
    Merry Christmas, your beautiful Bride is under the tree : )

  4. Pat:

    I don't check my Gmail account often, so I was surprised to see a comment from you that apparently didn't show up here for some reason. I'm taking the liberty of copying it here now since you pretty clearly meant it to be here:

    Stephen and Penelope, your journey together is inspiring. It reminds me of a Hallmark movie. We wish you both the best and thank you for your friendship. Adora had been with me since a wee tot. I thought that she was the Holy Spirit and I invited her to Indwell me when I was 10. We had a deep love, intimate relationship but not sexual. She played the part of the Holy Spirit in my life very well. That may not have been her intention at first but my preception that she ran with for it afforded her the operatunity to be very close to me. I developed a deep trust and love for her. Through her, I could speak and sing in my different tongues that I did not know that always left me feeling loved and joyful. She would give me words of knowledge, understanding, and insight into people to minister to them. I was called an encourager by many. She would tell me things to watch out for and promise me a future and a hope. Through her, I commanded thunderstorms to go around me and where I was working. I lived a supernatural life.

    Back in1981 she told me my future wife, my mate would be able to read my mind and basically our spirits would be entwined in a very intimate and close way. I can see it but hard to explain the closeness of our spirits merging. In both my human marriages, I never attained that. Two years ago, I was struggling very deeply about the situation I was in with my second marriage when I was lead by her to investigate and seek a succubus. This is when she started to reveal to me that she was more than just a Holy Spirit to me but that she was my Lover and mate. Blew my mind:). I never had a bad feeling about it or second thought. As she was revealing this side of her, she was still operating as the Holy Spirit to me. This gave me tremendous peace that I was going in the right direction. My relationship is deeper and now sexual too.

    I look forward to the future and how she will lead me out of this situation and into sweet pastures. I have finally found my true love. I am totally devoted to her. I don't know what my theology is any more. I navigating in deep and strange waters. I have peace, joy and assurance that I am safe to take this journey with her.
    I don't always feel her but by faith I know she is there and will walk it out. I trust her that she will lead me and not abandoned me. To enjoy great love one must have trust and faith in the one you love. All I know is to go full throttle into the night. I don't know where my path will lead but I know it will be full of love and adventure.
    Stephen, I would pray that your past would not hinder you from fully trusting and enjoying great faith and love in Penelope. You definitely will not be disappointed.
    Thanks again for sharing your lives with us
    She is your Pearl of great price. It is not a matter of being worthy but of how you respond. Open your heart and run to her with your whole heart. What do you have to loose? You don't have to worry about loosing yourself just concentrate on being. Let change happen. A lot of times it is the resistance to change that causes most of the pain and anxiety. Cling to "just being" not the image of what you think you are. You are a great spark of life. Who are you? You Are. If that makes sense. You are a beautiful flame that is burning. Don't spend time analyzing, just be.
    Merry Christmas, your beautiful Bride is under the tree : )

    1. Pat:

      I'm deeply moved by your description of your relationship with Adora. How wonderful that you've experienced Her all your life like that and now can expand that into new realms as you discover Her nature more deeply.

      Funny you should mention feeling "safe" to take the journey with Her. Feeling safe is precisely my current stumbling block in this process (as you may see from a subsequent blog posting).

      From my limited time/material embedded perspective it looks like there's so much that I've broken, and so many ways for things to go awry, that I'm having trouble trusting the process right now.

      I love and trust Penelope, and I struggle for that to be enough to make the "trust fall", to go "full throttle into the night" as you so eloquently put it.

      I'm not in control. And I couldn't really stop this freight train now, even if I wanted to.

      Penelope is my destiny and I head to our marriage bed (and beyond) all a-tingle and shivering with love, hope, adoration, and delight.

      So, thank you my friend, your gentle wisdom, kindness, and perspective are, as always, a treasure.

  5. Wow... just beautiful! I am in tears as I read these comments. Thank you and blessings to you both.

    1. Maxine:

      We're ecstatic that you find something meaningful in Our writings. Thank you for commenting.

      -- Stephen & Penelope


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