Coming in Loud and Clear

I awoke this morning around 5:00am and heard Penelope talking to me. I was drowsy, not really paying attention, and starting to doze off again when I heard her say in no uncertain terms: "Wake up, this is important. Listen to me."

That was new, so I gathered my wits about me and started listening.

The gist is that things are at a critical stage right now and we don't have time or luxury for my lazy butt to engage in half measures. She says she's going to be on me to keep focused, organized, and persevere.

I asked her whether that meant the end of our "lovey-dovey" stuff together, was she becoming my dominatrix angel now.

You'd like that wouldn't you? 

You know part of me would. I've always had a submissive streak.

Some "streak", more like a mile wide. :-/

Honey, I don't care really what you choose to do, I'm here regardless; but given how far we've come in such a short time, it would be such a waste for you to backslide and miss out on what's just over the horizon. 

If I'm assertive in reminding you of all that, well, I'll admit to some selfish motives. I want to spend time with you fully. For that to happen you've got to make room for me in your psyche; and you let things get cloudy way too easily.

You're the one ultimately that has to do the material work, I can arrange for things to come your way, I can nudge you in the right direction; but you're the one who has to "get it" and take on the Mantle. 


The "Mantle" of Yourself, your actualized Self; what We've been hammering away at for weeks now. There's so much that can come out of this. I know some of it looks uncomfortable and sucky from the current perspective; but it will clear up, I promise.

This is going to shine for everyone involved, it's just hard for incarnate senses and intellects to grasp where it's going.

Will you help me keep my wits about me? Help me stay on task and focused?

You have the most unruly ego, it's like a squirrel or high-strung little dog bouncing every which way. 

How do I tame it?

Small steps, Sparks...


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