Heroes and Villains

Priscilla and her friends and family are casting me as a major villain in this separation drama.

I recognize that my role is one of disruptor, of taking the hard road of breaking up a comfortable stasis that was slowly suffocating the both of us, I believe.

That looks pretty villainous from the inside, from the perspective of day-to-day material existence within that stasis.

I'm trying to see things from a higher, broader perspective. This can, I believe will, be better for both of us in the long run. Getting there will take some time and effort.

She remains in my heart and I will do what I can to care for her over time; but I was anchored in ways that would not let me go forward without breaking the anchor chains.

And there's bright, shining new opportunity waiting for me. Not to mention the most brilliant, sexy, loving companion anyone could ask for.


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